Blaze "Blood & Belief" Guitar Tone

Brett - K A L I S I A

Dreaded Moderator
Feb 26, 2004

Been listening to this album lately, do you remember how the guitar tone was achieved ? Inner sleeve says guitar (Jackson and Gibson) and bass players use Peavey amps, so was a 5150 solely used for this recording ?

Cheers !

If I'm not wrong it was just peavey triplexxx.
The first album: dual boogie
The second: ?
The third album: Triplexxx
In the first gigs Steve used a Marshall Jmp1 and marshall poweramp as well while John a 5150 mark1.
Then Steve switched from marshall to 5150 mark 1.
Steve and Wray play with triplexxx now.

I am big fan of Blaze and I have to say that the sound of his albums is absolutely great!

At the moment i can find only the Blood and Belief CD, so i will ask only for it. Is the kick sampled? and how if it is :)

thanks and again - GREAT sound (and band)
They said the first. To me in the second sounds similiar.

And... I don't know why, but I prefer the sound of the Messiah (not only guitar). Thenth Dimension's toms are really raw to my ear...