Anterior Tone


Studio Junkie
Sep 5, 2007
Arizona, USA
i'm sure some of you have heard of this band, Anterior. Well, i like the 5150 tone on this one, its on the hi-gain side of things but i was trying to go for something similar recently and was curious on how this was tone was done on the "this age of silence album".

i emailed tim hamill (producer/engineer) for the album, nice guy btw he responded but an hour after i emailed him, was happy to share his experiences and this is the response i got:

"The guitar sound on that album was a Jackson super fin with an EMG humbucker. That went on to a Peavey 5150 Mk I fitted with JJ tubes with a stomp box noise gate in the FX loop (Cant remember what it was but it had a chrome finish and it said 'Decimator' on it!). That was fed to a Marshall 4X12 cab and miked with an SM57 very near the centre of the cone this was used as the main sound. Also mixed in was a Sennheiser 421 at a 90 degree off axis to give a bit of a fullness. I also put up an AKG D112 on the edge of the cone this was used very little for a bit of bass end. All those mics were summed together on an SSL E series board. That went onto a Court 31 band graphic EQ and 2.5K slightly notched out just to remove a bit of the harshness from the tone. The album was recorded on Nuendo (on a Mac) at 44.1K at 24 bit. Sorry it's a bit detailed, but most of the sound came from the amp set up. I can't remember the settings on the amp but the gain was very high!"

so thought i would pass this on for some insight.
Hahahahahaha, a chrome pedal that says Decimator on it, hmm? What ever could it be? :lol:

Thanks though dude - I've never heard/heard of the band, but I always like reading stuff like this
Haha I was in school with the singer… madness. Chunk used to play guitar for them, but he got carpel tunnel from practicing too much so they got the Mendeed guy to play and now chunk just sings. Live, it pretty much sounds the same as the record, chunk used a 5150 through a Marshall 4x12 and kempy uses a 5150 mk2 with a Marshall 4x12. They seem to be spreading pretty quickly around the globe now since they signed to road runner, awesome for them I say. They were easily the best metal band on our local scene.
Man i freekin love this band! They supported Bodom in Dublin an they brought the place down! Bodom did a better job though but there a realy good band! id reckomend them to any metal fan!! :):headbang: