Easter hammmmm


New Metal Member
Mar 19, 2003
a pretty how town
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Let me dedicate this thread to this blessed food we have at Easter, it's the easter ham (smoked and cooked in seasoned cooking water). I'm not a pork fan and I don't eat much meat in general, but this is just delicious, with hard-boiled eggs and bread and radishes or whatever you wish :Spin:

I'm having some of it right now.

i guess it's painted with chocolate :mmmmm:


harley davidson bunny:


the eastern bells drop the eggs in the garden and then the kids go look for them in belgium.
That reminds me actually, I had a great Irish Kinghts fuelled dream last night. Well, there was a ghost hunting part to it so we'll draw a veil but then I was offered six terry's chocolate orange. Being polite I said I couldn't possibly. This woman then gave a me a box of chocolates.....gutted, (it was at this point I wanted to shout 'yer ma!'), when low and behold she gave me the chococlate oranges as well!!!! DEEEEEEEElighted.

...then if you can imagine that bit in 'Summer Nights', from Grease.....
'It turned colder, that's where it ends...'
That's how I felt this morning, realising it was just a dream............. :erk:
I was a fan of rudolf as a child ...I was a fan of ed the duck as a child.

Thus have never eaten duck or reindeer

however how many lovable cartoon/puppet/figment of imagination chickens and cows are there..very few.

I love chicken