Eddie Guerrero R.I.P.


Feb 4, 2002
for the wrestling fans...

Eddie Guerrero passes away
Nov. 13, 2005

WWE is deeply saddened by the news that Eddie Guerrero has passed away. He was found dead Sunday morning in his hotel room in Minneapolis. Eddie is survived by his wife Vickie and daughters Shaul, 14, Sherilyn, 9, and Kaylie Marie, 3.

The cause of death is unknown at this time. An autopsy will be performed in Minneapolis on Monday, and Eddie's body will then be flown to Phoenix. Funeral arrangements are set for Wednesday in Scottsdale, Arizona

Just found out about ten minutes ago. NOT good. :( Survived drug abuse and a godawful car crash a few years back, and he dies in a hotel room with a toothbrush in his mouth.

That's not the way a bloke like him should go. I'm really quite sad right now.
One of the best all-round performers of the last decade by a mile, I was always a fan of the guy.

There doesn't seem to be many details about it available yet. Supposedly he was clean and had been for well over three years now. He'd been on fire as a performer since then as well. And at only 38 as well. RIP.
Don't really know much about this guy but my 12 year old son, Sam was in tears this afternoon when he told us about his passing...Very sad indeed.
Nah, pretty sure it'd be a heart attack. I think painkillers were his main vice when he was on drugs (common amongst professional wrestlers, considering how often they're injured) although I believe he did dabble in other stuff as well back in the day.
Here's what former WWE wrestler Test had to say. Quite interesting.

"I'm actually wondering who's next? Who's next to die? I can think of at least 15 to 20 people who have died from various things - mostly prescription pain killers. For all you wanna be wrestlers who wanna get in this business, especially now when WWE doesn't pay you anymore than you would make at a 9 to 5 job, let me break some things down for you. When I started wrestling I had never seen or heard of Vicodin or Percocet or Soma. How come so many wrestlers die from these medications and football players and hockey players don't? The answer is simple - wrestlers, especially WWE wrestlers, work five days a week all year long taking bump after bump in the ring. A doctor explained it to me like this: Every time you take a fall in the ring it's like getting rear-ended by a car going 20 mph, so how many bumps in the ring a night do you take? Multiply that by how many times a week you work all year long. That's a hell of a lot of whiplash and pain. I can remember hearing a conversation from some unnamed WWE head guys talking about how this certain person needs to go to rehab but they couldn’t send him because he was to important to the show. That's the reality people that is how we are treated. Look at me. I break my neck in the ring had to have two discs taken out of my neck and a steel plate put in and was told at the time by Johnny Ace when I asked if my job would be in jeopardy, 'We don't fire people with injuries like that.' Hmm, that's funny, because two months after surgery I got fired because I wasn't working. My seven years of busting my ass for them and putting over the boss's son while my foot was broken in a cast was all forgotten about. When Johnny Ace called me and told me they were releasing me - which of course he put all the heat on Vince - I said to him, 'What kind of message are you sending the boys that if they get hurt they are going to get fired?' So all the guys who don't want to lose their jobs, what do they do? Pop a couple of Percocet or Vicodin and mask the pain because god forbid they say they are hurt and lose their job. I'm not going to name any names, but I know at least a dozen or so wrestlers who are addicted to these things for that very reason. Get hurt, lose your job. I just turned 30, my back aches everyday, I have a metal plate in my neck, and yes I got in the business at the right time and have a lot of nice things, but is it all worth it? You guys don't see the ugly side of this business. Yes, wrestling is entertainment, but the bumps and bruises are real and sometimes they don't go away. So think long and hard before you get in this business because I can tell you first hand that if you're not working or making them money they don't give a shit about you and the sad part is Eddie was clean and I guarantee he won't be the last one to die in the next 12 months. So that's why I say who's next? Don't take your life for granted it's a gift. Don't go to bed mad and tell the people you care about you love them because you never know. Take care."
As I posted elsewhere:

I am truly shocked and saddened. He was one of my all time favourites, and one of the top few wrestlers in the company. As you say, it is a tragedy that this has happened now. If it happened during his time on the drugs etc, it would be one thing, but to see it happen to someone who has beaten the odds and come out on top, seen his personal life and career soar, only to have this happen, is a tragedy.

I now feel very priviledged to have seen his match with Angle in Melbourne last year. What a legend. I am glad to see they are organizing two tribute shows for him. He will be very greatly missed.
Cause of death is unknown??? Are they kidding?

These guys snort/inject/inhale enough crank/blow/whatever to kill a friggin' bull!! Just to keep their jobs.

I saw a really good documentary a couple years back about Jake 'The Snake' Roberts - it was very informative. Also very, very sad.