Edge Of Sanity T-shirts!!!

I like my Crimson one.

Inverted Crosses and Skulls = Boring.

Sorry...I'm tired of them. But everyone else that is excited, good for you. :)
Waiting!!! Dan please let us know when and where!
P.S. Sounds like much better than crimson one (hated this square).
Dan, i just came in my pants. My credit card is giving me a blowjob, beeing so thankful that it can be finally put to use!!!

Snopp i kråkans torp!! (passade inte direkt._.)
I made an iron on EoS Shirt for myself long back, but it didn't really come out that well... Been looking for a decent one ever sicne, never found one. So i hope these come out to be good.
So, anyone else having trouble ordering a shirt? The site is like a wholesale site and I'm not really interested in buying 100 lol.

If anyone can clear this up, I'd appreciate it.
Sorry to necro this, but where are you guys buying these apart from the whole-salers? Desperate to get an Edge of Sanity shirt the past few months, and unable to find one.
I can proudly promote this shirt now :)



with dog