Edguy - King of Fools video

Yes mate, I got the EP last week and I agree with you up to a point.

The title track 'King of Fools' has really grown on me after a few listens but the only other track which comes close to the quality we all expect from Edguy is 'Holy Water'. The rest merely sound like fillers although 'The Life and Times of a Bonus Track' is rather amusing.

I expect more from the full album and I'm still confident they will deliver.
dragonmaiden said:
Have to agree that the EP is a little weak..apart from the title track...which I love!
I suppose the title track is indeed the best song on the EP. The other thing that annoys me a little are the lyrics. I have nothing against swear words when used accordingly, but Tobias Sammet singing "fuck" and "shit" all over the place sounds...odd. At least it does for Edguy's music anyway.

As Eagle has already said though....the album is awesome....I guarantee! :D
My fingers are crossed twice over. In fact, I think I might have broken one. :erk: :lol:
Have to agree on the swearing. I put mine in the car for first listen....as I wasn't expecting any swearing ...then....with 7 year old in the back......the expletives started! I had a bit of explaining to do!
i have only seen the video for king of fools and i liked it i will get the ep on saturday i think and see what i think but im sure Tobias said on the website that this was a rushed single that the record company wanted out so i can forgive em aslong as the album rocks
dragonmaiden said:
Have to agree on the swearing. I put mine in the car for first listen....as I wasn't expecting any swearing ...then....with 7 year old in the back......the expletives started! I had a bit of explaining to do!

I agree with you both on that one. It just doesn't sound right at all. It's like the swearing is there just for the sake of it.

The worst offender is the verse at the end of 'New Age Messiah' which contains sufficiant language and blasphemy for an entire album!!
ok couldnt be bothered to wait i got it today i do agree the swearing just dont seem right at all it really has been put in for the sake of it however i think life and times of a bonus track is quite a funny song made me chuckle anyway.

on the whole i like the stuff but its not as good as i expected but they did say the songs on the ep are a different version to the ones on the album (apart from king of fools which i love) so im still looking forward to this album and still think it will be one of the albums of the year