Wow what can I say. Saxon totally rocked Edinburgh crazy on Wednesday night. What a fantastic performance by a fantastic band, I would probably say they were better the other night there than they were at King Tuts last year. Dan you missed an absolutely crackin night cos Saxon were deadly!!!!
I got there about 7.15pm and went straight into Liquid Rooms. My pal wasn't arriving till about 8pm so I just had a wee look at tshirts and then some guy came over and said to me that I had just missed Biff cos he was next door in the restaurant signing autographs and posing for pics. BUMMER!!!! I did see a crowd outside the restaurant but didn't think for a minute Saxon would have been in there.
The support band didn't even appear but I was well pleased with that cos it was just really Saxon that I wanted to see. The place was packed to the hilt, almost wall to wall full of metalheads with almost everyone wearing a Saxon tshirt - wow it was a beautiful sight indeed

I was right down the front - well 2nd row - but there was only a wee boy in front of me so I got a superb view. Right in front of Nibbs, took some great pics, so will let youse see them as soon I get them on.
It was brilliant Saxon kicking it all off with Motorcycle Man and then straight into Play It Loud. The crowd lapped it up bigtime and Biff as always was in fine form - laughing and joking with the crowd - kept saying "do youse want a fast song or a slow song, an old song or a new song". But it was like a furnace down that front, 2 songs in and Biff was totally drenched in sweet - was that hot down there that Biff threw about 10 bottles of water into the crowd and then started opening bottles of water and throwing the water over folk.
Every song was superb but personal highlights for me would be Redline, The Eagle has Landed, Never Surrender,Wheels of Steel, Lionheart, Witchfynder General, Dogs of War and when they played Denim & Leather, the whole place was absolutely bouncing and I think that song got the most rapturous applause. And of course Princess of the Night got the crowd going utterly crazy again!!!! A truly sensational performance by one of the best bands on the planet.
Only one sort of disappointment - couldn't believe it when they didn't play 747!!!!! Yes you read that right, they
DIDN'T PLAY 747. They came on for one encore and went off again - I think everyone expected them to come on and at least do 747 but they never came back on and everyone was sort of semi stunned not hearing 747. And they didn't play And The Bands Played On or Dallas 1pm - would have loved to have heard them played cos they played them at Tuts last year and they were outstanding.
Anyway Biff said they were coming back next year - Glasgow in March - so yippee I'll be there again right doon the front wearing my Saxon tshirt and Saxon logo pendant - got quite a few nice comments about my Saxon pendant - oh and Emperor Valanx, you wouldn't believe the amount of people that complimented me on my Angel Witch and Diamond Head patches LOL!!!!! In fact someone offered me £20 for the Angel Witch patch!
Set list as far as I can remember but I've probably missed a couple out, and not really in the correct order:-
Motorcycle Man
Play It Loud
Strong Arm of the Law
Stallions of the Highway
Power & The Glory
Frozen Rainbow
Suzie Hold On
The Eagle Has Landed
Stand up and Be Counted
To Hell and Back
Dogs of War
Witchfynder General
Never Surrender
Denim & Leather
Wheels of Steel
Princess of the Night