EFF! a goatse video!

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Oct 29, 2002
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although it kinda looks like a wannabe:zombie:

to everybody else before i post the link:

if you have never heard of goatse, DO NOT CLICK THIS LINK

if you have a weak stomach, DO NOT CLICK THIS LINK

if you are easily offended, good, you should be. and DO NOT CLICK THIS LINK

and if you still click it, DONT SAY I DIDNT WARN YOU

and if you give me bad rep for this and dont sign it, YOUR HEAD SHOULD GET SHOVED UP HIS ASSHOLE
haha ok, it's not like i'm a fan of his or anything... i just laugh at it where everyone else cries and moans and calls their mums, but i don't really need any memorabilia about this whole deal :p

haha wtf! it's like he's trying to shit at the camera or something... and what's with the porn pics in the bathroom wall!! whoah this guy really is an anti grandma weapon :p
On soulseek chat once, someone asked where to get lyrics (it was a 15year old girl), and someone linked her to there....:lol:
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