

Mar 11, 2004
In our busy world, controlled by money and power, we sometimes forget the most important thing in all of our lives. It isn't the bar where you party, or the car that you drive, or your job title, but the people at that bar, in that car, or at that job. People make our lives better, and Humanism is the belief that every life is sacred and must be protected.

Because of recent elections ...errr events, we formed eHumanism to remind us all of how important it is to cherish and exhalt individual lives, and how the individual is more important than the state. Our country and its national defense may be a valid issue, but when we lose sight of the individuals involved, we are all just serving a machine that doesn't even treat us as human beings!

You probably want respect for human individuals because you are one. The best way to ensure that is to promote humanism. At eHumanism we believe Humanism should be taken to the next level. It's not just "important" that we're all humans, but it's imperative that we recognize this. Humans must come first before all else.
eh, humanism and extreme leftism have done nothing more than rob the soul of man by reducing religion, leaving man with a future with no higher power than the state--and not the humanistic leftist state of socialism and communism which we all know was a failure. Why bother? What ridiculous and impossible earthly utopia are you leftists searching for now?
ah, it seems pathetic someone would post serious leftist articles for shits and giggles. Strange sense of humor. Dont these "trolls" have friends or family to torment?
Almost certain infoterror wrote the articles, so they weren't serious. I'd have played along but I don't share the same enthusiasm for these sorts of trolls that most of the Anus crowd seem to.
speed said:
ah, it seems pathetic someone would post serious leftist articles for shits and giggles. Strange sense of humor. Dont these "trolls" have friends or family to torment?
Seems kind of pathetic that anyone with a functioning brain would subscribe to leftism at all, but in any case, this article makes a good point.

After all, we're not just smarter animals, right?
MetalAges said:
FYI Inchoate = Blaphbee. Hopefully he chills so I don't have to ban this nick as well.

wow. If this is true, and Blaphbee has posted to his own thread under a different username, only one thing can be deduced -- what a lame crackhead.

I DON'T SEE CRACK COCAINE ANYWHERE IN THE EQUATION - he got interupted in the middle of putting forth a few ideas, and wanted to continue the debate.
So it would seem.

Anyhow, I'm glad that everyone here seems to be of the impression that attacking the personality somehow debunks the argument. Since I've posted these, I've been banned once, and seen nothing but childish whining about the unreality of it all (pertaining to the posts' content), with two things standing remarkably clear:

1) The irony is too much
2) No one has offered an opposing stance; all that has been received are windy declarations, contentless drivel, and evasion of the debate by discussing the poster.

If this is too much for all of you, maybe you need to quiet yourselves and think on the topics for awhile before spouting opinions.