EIBON LA FURIES - "The Blood Of The Realm" - REVIEWS


Artist: Eibon La Furies
Title: The Blood Of The Realm
Type: Album
Label: Code 666

It’s rather gratifying as a music journalist being right. One of our real pleasures is watching as a band that we believe in and champion at the demo stages goes and releases a debut album on a label such as Code 666 and that is exactly what has happened with Eibon La Furies. Their two demos really stood out as they did something different and took black metal in a historical context along with a healthy dash of bygone mythos, making the music generally sinister, evocative and threatening whilst telling a great story as the music unfolds. This story harks back to the olde halcyon dayes of “Victoriana Occult and Infernal Brigantia” and takes in dark dirty alleys of gaslit London, a place which was the hunting ground of the nefarious and legendary Jack The Ripper. I guess you could call ‘The Blood Of The Realm’ a concept album as it does take us through a bloody tale and even goes as far as to narrate Jack’s wild musings, sometimes with hilarious effect. Lord Eibon Blackwood the main muse behind this brings forth our unsolved (or was it) history that is as much the stuff of legend and combines it with magickal tenacity involving the Golden Dawn and other such arcane musings that really are a delight to listen to.

So what of the actual music you may well ask? Well the almost hour long album is divided into 15 actual tracks including intro and outro and some that are more narrative bridges telling the tale. Many of these were heard on the demos but here the whole scope of the project unfolds and it really is great to sit down and listen to it all unravel like a whores guts, if you will. ‘The Devil Is an Englishman’ is full of sinister hisses from the vocals and blackened cries and rasps, with spoken parts too. In the background comes the mournful wails from Lady Titania Blackwood who also offers some spoken parts. Music clatters along and during the album there are strong moments of symphonic and exuberant keyboard driven black metal along with effects used to further illustrate the tale such as hooves beating and knives sharpening.

This is one of those very rare reviews that you won’t see any other band’s names mentioned and it really is quite unique. Others have attempted putting ideas like this to music certainly, but in black metal I cannot think of any example as conceptually profound as this. Some guest vocals from the great beast himself may not be original (or even approved by Mr Crowley) but again I cannot fault their placing as they really add to the atmosphere. The imagination goes into overdrive even at times into the song titles; you really would have to hear a number entitled ‘Winter Kings, Wicker Men & Her Infernal Majesty Brigantia’ just to see what madness lurks within. ‘Dominion Of Will’ is purely about the song and is incredibly theatrical and flamboyant. It also is catchy as hell, especially considering that it is a bit on the lengthy side as it’s already in your head well before it lets up.

I was pleased to catch the band on their first London show and you can read about that and see the photos in the live section. I don’t really want to go further into the album here as an audience has been requested and I hope will be given, so further questions into this wildly imaginative and uniquely textured musical universe can be explored. For the time being if you want an idea of just what to expect from this twisted journey, illumination is at the links below, just tread carefully and don’t say I didn’t warn you.


Pete Woods


Eibon la Furies - The Blood Of The Realm

Die altenglische Royalität erfreut sich nun schon seit geraumer Zeit größter Beliebtheit. Sei es im Bereich der belletristischen Literatur, obskurer Serien oder der facettenreichen Welt metallischer Musik. Literarische Adaptionen, wie sie per exemplum THE VISION BLEAK vornehmen, oder eigene kronloyale Konzepte rund um die britische Hochwohlgeborenheit, wie von IMPERIAL VENGEANCE oder teils auch von AKERCOCKE dargeboten, bieten augenscheinlich mehr als genug Stoff, um der musikalischen Kreativität hinreichend Auslauf zu bieten. So haben sich auch die Briten EIBON LA FURIES in eben jenem Sektor ansässig gemacht und erschaffen ihr eigenes Reich aus Mystik, Horror und Aristokratie.

Namentlich ist diese Klanggesellschaft auf das Geschlecht der Blackwoods zurückzuführen, genauer gesagt entspringt das grundlegende Konzept der Gedankenwelt des Lord Eibon Blackwoods und seiner liebreizenden Gemahlin Lady Titania Blackwood. Aus dieser Liaison entstand schließlich das aktuelle Werk „The Blood Of The Realm“ und tatsächlich, das Volk muss bluten für seine Obrigkeit.

EIBON LA FURIES schöpfen eine enorm faszinierend-fesselnde Komposition aus partiell sehr rauem Black Metal, welcher zeitweise recht zügig und treibend daherkommt, und angenehmen, Mid-Tempo-lastigen Melodien, welche via Synthesizern und ausschweifender Gitarrenarbeit pompös und gespenstisch anmuten. Generell herrscht auf dieser Platte eine durchweg irrwitzige Stimmung vor, welche durch den Operetten-haften Gesang besagter Lady unterstützt wird. Zeitweise fühlt man sich im Gesangsspektrum etwas an die Herren von CRADLE OF FILTH erinnert, atmosphärisch jedoch vielmehr an die Norweger SLAGMAUR.

Es wäre wohl auch keine Übertreibung, wenn man in Erwägung zöge, EIBON LA FURIES als Black-Metaleskere Variante von THE VISION BLEAK zu bezeichnen. Nur wird man hier mit weitaus abstrakteren Strukturen konfrontiert, welche auch vor elektronischen Beats nicht zurückschrecken. Erlaubt scheint Alles, was der morbiden Idee hinter EIBON LA FURIES dienlich ist und das düstere Reich der Blackwoods etabliert.

Man muss der Lordschaft auch zugute halten, dass sie sich in der Varietäten-Lehre vorbildlich geschult haben. Eintönigkeit oder Monotonie sollte hier keinen ereilen und ein Sherlock Holmes müsste wohl mehr als einmal kombinieren, um in die Gedankenwelt seines Erzrivalen einzutauchen. Schauerliche Geschichten über Jack The Ripper, sein Jagdgebiet Whitechapel und das dunkle, ruchlos-infernale Gesicht der schillernden Adligkeit Großbritanniens erwecken die verstörenden Riffs zum Leben; beinahe einem musikalischen Drama gleich.

Auch das Schlagwerk besticht durch vorbildliche Präsenz. Nicht in dem Sinne, dass wie wahnsinnig auf die Schallkörper eingeschlagen wird, sondern in seiner gänzlich untermalenden, akzentuierenden Funktion. Die rohen Black Metal Passagen meistert man hier ebenso gekonnt, wie die harmonischen Klang-Teppiche und erreicht somit eine betörende Klangwelt, welche über Anmut, Kraft und Verschlagenheit verfügt.

EIBON LA FURIES konnten mit „The Blood Of The Realm“ eine Platte erschaffen, welche innovativ, mitreißend und geheimnisvoll zugleich ist. Ein infernales Werk von Grazie und Wahnsinn. Dieses Album sollte alle Befürworter gepflegt-krankhaften Metalls rund um die englische Krone durchaus begeistern. Die Herren Blackwood verstehen sich auf düstere Stimmung und schaffen mit diesem Album eine sowohl reizvolle, als auch verstörende Arbeit, welche ihre Grenzen nur im menschlichen Geist findet. Um abschließend Lord Blackwood selbst zu zitieren: „The Devil Is An Englishman“!




Konrad Kantor

View Profile Have you ever been on a new roller coaster for the first time and closed your eyes for the entire thing? Me neither, but it sure felt like I did upon listening to Eibon La Furies' The Blood of the Realm. Almost Kafka-esque, the album takes abrupt turns, making it impossible to predict. Along with A Forest of Stars, Eibon la Furies follows suit in the exploration of ancient occult traditions in England. Both acts continue to help inspire an entirely new wave of dark, disturbing, ambient metal. If metal was around back in the days of Edgar Allen Poe, it would probably sound something like The Blood of the Realm and The Corpse of Rebirth. Unfortunately, where some long, drawn-out songs on The Corpse of Rebirth lack excitement, The Blood of the Realm goes completely overboard with it.

In some of the album's opening songs, such as "Tears of Angels & Dreams of Demons," the tempo is so upbeat that you might wonder why the band hasn't classified their music as "black pop metal." Viewing the music video for "And by the Moonlight" might initially make it hard to take the album seriously, but delving deeper may lead to the realization that the music is quite successful at portraying a time period that most have only read about in books. Eventually, the album settles down as sweeping crescendos, tremolo picking and raspy, slithering vocals become more apparent in "Horse of the Invisible" and "Winter Kings, Wicker Men & Her Infernal Majesty Brigantia." The Blood of the Realm finally begins to show signs of consistency in "Dominion of Will," and from then on follows a much more channeled concept. The darker moments are filled with more distinct sound effects such as howls, rainfall and even distant knives sharpening, which help take the listener through the album's chaotic journey. With constant operatic choir vocals, horses galloping and spooky narrating compliments of The Furious Host, you'll feel like you're taking part in some sort of demented carnival, serving as an unwilling participant in a magic show gone completely wrong. The sound effects, all done by Spectral Symphony, are the most intriguing aspect of The Blood of the Realm. With small animals blowing bubbles under puddles of water, muffled dog barks and every other indistinct noise your reptilian brain will mistake as something dangerous preparing to lunge at you, the listener will feel like Sherlock Holmes, walking alone through the most sinister alleys London once had to offer.

With so many different variations happening at once, one can only wonder if Eibon has truly found their niche. Although the sound effects help take metal into uncharted territories, the overall foundation is lacking. For example, recording lo-fi guitars and percussion is something that is common in black metal, but the low-fi elements take too much away from the sharpness of what a symphony should sound like. This type of production makes the album sound completely dull at times. That's not to say that opposites can't attract. There are indeed people who like their cereal with some liquid other than milk, but it has yet to become a trend. If the worlds of symphonic metal and black metal are to one day come together, it certainly needs to be done differently than Eibon la Furies' current attempt. However, if bands such as this one continue to bravely smash down the boundaries of what we currently define as metal, the genre will have no limitations and will always thrive. Until then, The Blood of the Realm remains merely a peculiar representation of an era of dark exploration.
RockTribune magazine (printed - belgium)

Eibon La Furies
The Blood Of The Realm
Code 666/Aural
Met het Engelse combo Eibon La Furies hebben we een vreemde eend in de bijt. Het duo Lord Eibon Blackwood (gitaar, bas, toetsen en cello) en Lady Titania Blackwood (zang) brengt met de hulp van enkele gastmuzikanten een wel erg vreemde variant op symfonische black metal. De stukken die puur het genre volgen zijn net iets te weinig tot de verbeelding sprekend, maar wanneer ze daar bovenop een kwak ambient en industrial in de strijd gooien, krijg je plots een compleet andere band te horen. De vrouwenzang doet al eens aan het opereske van Therion denken, een effect dat ze nog versterken door enige klassieke orkestratie hier en daar. Wanneer Lord Eibon zelf zingt, vormt de laag distortion op de microfoon helaas een struikelblok. Waarom ze dat doen, is me onbekend, maar dat gaat eigenlijk voor heel wat elementen op deze cd op. We zijn er haast van overtuigd dat dit zootje ongeregeld zelfs in Lincolnshire voor zonderlingen wordt versleten, want de bizarre breinkronkels die je nodig hebt om de (de)composities van ‘The Blood Of The Realm’ uit je mouw te schudden, daar kan de gemiddelde psychiater in wording met gemak op doctoreren. Nu moet ondergetekende toegeven dat het groteske een vreemde aantrekkingskracht kan uitoefenen, zeker wanneer het ongewone muziek betreft, maar bij Eibon La Furies zijn we nog niet zo meteen overtuigd en hebben we nog heel wat gewenning nodig om hier een definitief oordeel over te vestigen. Inmiddels geven we ze echter het voordeel van de twijfel…
Morbid Geert - 70

Eibon La Furies - The Blood Of The Realm
Code 666

file under black/pagan metal

Eibon La Furies - The Blood Of The RealmRichard G.: Tegenwoordig is het al bijna gemeengoed om je metal te voeden met je interesse in een bepaalde geschiedkundige periode of volk. Zo kennen we al enige tijd het begrip vikingmetal (Amon Amarth, en nog vele anderen), bestaat er sinds een jaar of wat piratenmetal (Swashbuckle, al begon het ooit natuurlijk met Running Wild) en kunnen we sinds vorig jaar dankzij Maurizio Iacono van Kataklysm ook genieten van onvervalste Romeinenmetal via zijproject Ex Deo. Waar de gewelddadige natuur van deze volkeren nog een duidelijke link met metal heeft, is dat minder evident bij de Victoriaanse periode waar Eibon La Furies zich op baseert. Bijkomend voordeel is dan weer wel dat je live geen berenvel, maar een supercool traditioneel pak of, in het geval van de vrouwelijke bandleden, een eclatante jurk aan mag.

Het full-length debuut ‘The Blood Of The Realm’ staat vol met vage black metal en heeft een theatraal karakter door de vele duistere, hoorspelachtige momenten en interludiums. Deze avant-gardistische trekjes maakten dat Code 666 er als de kippen bij was om deze Britse metalen buitenbeentjes te tekenen. Bijkomend voordeel voor het label is dat men al twee in eigen beheer opgenomen demo’s had. Kwestie van combineren, geluidstechnisch oppoetsen en een paar (drie plus intro en outro) nieuwe nummers erbij en je hebt een volwaardige release.

Het meest karakteristieke aspect van het bandgeluid is ontegenzeggelijk de mystieke sfeer die gecreëerd wordt, bijvoorbeeld in de hoorspeltrilogie ‘A Shadow Over London’, waarin onheilspellende alchemistische achtergrondgeluiden, ijzingwekkende klassieke pianotokkels en donkere klanktapijten de toon zetten. Tegelijkertijd is het ook voornamelijk die sfeer waar de band het van moet hebben. Wanneer je de spookachtige keyboardklanken, de engelenkoortjes, de bekakt Britse spoken word vocalen, een industriële beat (Samael!) hier of een obstinaat gierende gitaar daar wegdenkt, dan bewandelt men vocaal en riff-technisch toch wel de gebaande black metalpaden.

De auditieve rariteiten maken deze plaat tot een interessante luisterervaring, maar voor mij ook niet meer dan dat. Liefhebbers van de eerste The Vision Bleak plaat of Le Grand Guignol en mensen die Therion extremer en experimenteler zouden willen zien, kunnen wellicht meer met Eibon La Furies.

Review ENG:

Nowadays it is almost commonplace to feed your metal creativity with your hobbyistic interest in some historic period or people. We have seen more than enough Viking metal bands (Amon Amarth and many others), since a year or two there’s actual pirate metal (Swashbuckle, though the true originators are of course Running Wild) and since 2009 thanks to Maurizio Iacono from Kataklysm-fame, we can enjoy real Roman metal through his side project Ex Deo. Where the violent nature of these inspirational sources still bears a somewhat obvious link to metal, this is not at all the case with Eibon La Furies main source: the Victorian Age, believe it or not. A pretty cool advantage, though, is that you don’t have to wear a bear skin on stage, but a neat traditional suit, or, in case you have boobs, a pretty dress.

ELF’s debut record ‘The Blood Of The Realm’ is filled to the brim with weird black metal and has a theatrical character because of the many moody radio play-like moments and interludes. Code 666 did not need to think twice after hearing these avant-gardistic elements and signed these British metallic odds one out immediately. The fact that ELF had already recorded two demo’s on their own probably also played a role, since this record is a combination of the two plus intro/outro and three new songs.

The most characteristic aspect of the band’s sound is undoubtedly the mystical atmosphere that is created, for instance in the radio-play trilogy ‘A Shadow Over London’, which contains disturbing alchemistic background noises, chilling classical piano parts and dark keyboard tapestries. At the same time, it is this atmosphere that is the band’s only trump. When you try to delete the spooky keys, angelic choirs, pompous British spoken word vocals, sporadic industrial/dance beat (hello Samael!) here or obstinate screaming guitar there, all that’s left is a simple, tried and tested foundation of black metal riffs and vocals.

So it’s the auditive curiosities that make this record an interesting listening experience, and for me it really is not much more than that. Fans of the first The Vision Bleak record or of Le Grand Guignol and folk who would like their Therion a bit more extreme and experimental might be able to appreciate Eibon La Furies more.

Rating: 70/100 (details)


Eibon La Furies: Blood Of The Realm (Review)


Artist: Eibon La Furies

Album: Blood Of The Realm

Medium: CD Stil: Symphonic Black Metal

Label: Code 666 Spieldauer: 55:10 Erschienen: 28.05.2010 Website: [ Link ]

Mit symphonischem Black Metal tut sich der eine oder andere ja etwas schwer und auch die Briten EIBON LA FURIES sind alles andere als leichtverdauliche Kost. Lord Eibon Blackwood himself lebt hier seine Faszination inklusive entsprechender Optik für die viktorianische Zeit aus und wenn ich ohne vorliegende Texte dem wirren Geschehen folgen kann, geht es auf „Blood Of The Realm“ um Jack The Ripper.
Was man dem Herrn und seiner Gefolgschaft zugute halten muss, ist die enorme Abwechslung, die er musikalisch zu bieten hat. In der Tiefe seines düsteren Herzens wütet rüder Black Metal direkt neben klassischem Gesang, atmosphärischer Elektronika und abgedrehten Kompositionen. Sicher sind Bands wie CRADLE OF FILTH, SIGH oder ARCTURUS nicht spurlos an der Band vorbeigegangen, kopiert werden diese indes nicht, sondern sollen hier allenfalls als grober Anhalt dienen.
Ist man bereit, sich auf die wilden Kompositionen einzulassen, gewinnt „Blood Of The Realm“ mit zunehmender Lautstärke bei etwas stumpfer Produktion an Profil und bietet von großartigen Songs wie „… And By The Moonlight „ oder „I Am Whitechapel“ auch durchwachsene Kost, wie das Dancefloorbeat unterlegte „Tears Of Angels & Dreams Of Demons“ oder „Dominion Of Will“, in dem der Gesang an jene Mittelalterkapellen erinnert, in denen niemand wirklich singen kann. Ansonsten ist am Gesang, der von gesprochenen Parts bis zu Black Metal-Gefauche variiert, aber nichts auszusetzen, vielmehr transportiert er um divaoide Nuancen im Background ergänzt die durchgehend gefährliche und düstere Atmosphäre perfekt.
Bei aller Vielschichtigkeit hat das Songmaterial Wiedererkennungswert, da selbst die shreddernden Gitarren immer melodiös bleiben und die kurzen klassisch angehauchten Intermezzi trotz hoher Komplexität eingängig sind.
FAZIT: EIBON LA FURIES Erstling fordert Zeit vom Hörer; Zeit, sich auf die Kompositionen einzulassen und alle Schattierungen dieses Werkes zu entdecken. „Grower“ heißt das auf Neudeutsch und trifft hier absolut ins Schwarze, genauer ins schwarze Herz des Lord Blackwood. Wer es abgefahrener mag, sollte „Blood Of The Realm“zumindest mal antesten.

Dr. O. (Info) (Review 55x gelesen, veröffentlicht am 18.06.2010)
(0 Leser-Kommentare vorhanden)

Unser Wertungssystem:
  • 1-3 Punkte: Grottenschlecht - Finger weg
  • 4-6 Punkte: Streckenweise anhörbar, Kaufempfehlung nur für eingefleischte Fans
  • 7-9 Punkte: Einige Lichtblicke, eher überdurchschnittlich, das gewisse Etwas fehlt
  • 10-12 Punkte: Wirklich gutes Album, es gibt keine großen Kritikpunkte
  • 13-14 Punkte: Einmalig gutes Album mit Zeug zum Klassiker, ragt deutlich aus der Masse
  • 15 Punkte: Absolutes Meisterwerk - so was gibt´s höchstens einmal im Jahr

Wertung: 11 von 15 Punkten [?]

  • The Blood Of The Realm (Intro)
  • The Devil Is An Englishman
  • Tears Of Angels & Dreams Of Demons
  • Horse Of The Invisible
  • Winter Kings, Wicker Men & Her Infernal Majesty Brigantia
  • Dominion Of Will
  • A Shadow Over London Pt. 1
  • Yours Truly, From Hell
  • … And By The Moonlight
  • A Shadow Over London Pt. 2
  • I Am Whitechapel
  • A Shadow Over London Pt. 3
  • … Of Golden Dawns
  • Dark Designs
  • Infinite Man (Outro)
  • Bass - The Furious Host
  • Gesang - Lord Eibon Blackwood, Lady Titania Blackwood
  • Gitarre - Lord Eibon Blackwood
  • Keys - Spectral Symphony
  • Schlagzeug - Battalion

Blood Of The Realm (2010) - 11/15 Punkte

EIBON LA FURIES – “The Blood Of The Realm” Κινητήρια δύναμη του αγγλικού αυτoύ σχήματος είναι ο Lord Eibon Blackwood. Στο παρουσιαζόμενο πρώτο του άλμπουμ είναι πασιφανές ότι θα ήθελε να μεταφέρει κάτι από τη βικτωριανή ατμόσφαιρα που απέδωσαν κάποτε πολύ πετυχημένα οι Cradle Of Filth, αλλά με ένα πιο θεατρικό ύφος στηριγμένο σε αφηγήσεις. Το ύφος του δίσκου είναι δήθεν επιβλητικό, το υλικό ακατάστατο, κακοστημένο, συνθετικά και τεχνικά πρόχειρο. Αποσπασματική δουλειά, δε φτιάχτηκε από επαγγελματίες, είναι δύσκολο να πείσει για την αξία της, άρα και τη δική σας αγορά. Ίσως αλλού να διαβάσετε θετικότερα σχόλια για αυτό το τάχα μου εντυπωσιακό κατασκεύασμα. Καλύτερα έτσι, να αποκομίζετε ακριβή εικόνα των κριτηρίων του κάθε γραφιά του χώρου.
EIBON LA FURIES | The Blood Of The Realm (2010)
Code666/Aural Music

Après avoir ‘épinglé’quelques merveilleuses atrocités à son tableau de chasse (Manes, Ephel Duath, Aborym, pour ne citer qu’eux), Code666 ajoute Eibon La Furies à sa salle des trophées. Rejeton difforme né d’une partouze entre Aleister Crowley, Jack L’Éventreur, Dani Filth, et les membres de The Kovenant (oui je sais, c’est moche d’imaginer de telles choses…), la bestiole réalise aujourd’hui son premier méfait. La chose se nomme ‘The Blood Of The Realm’et se décline en 15 ‘tableaux’visqueux comme les eaux de la Tamise, sombres comme un pub de Camden. Ça tabasse dans tous les sens. Piano-bar déglingué, influences black metal, orchestrations emphatiques, cris de gargouilles, narrations grandiloquentes dignes de Cradle Of Filth, beats industriels: Lord Eibon Blackwood et sa compagne de crime, Lady Titiana Blackwood, se plaisent à brouiller les pistes. La production est très moyenne mais on se laisse sans peine entraîner dans le dédale inquiétant des rues londoniennes, dans un monde musical où l’ancien et le moderne se rejoignent. Grandiose ou pompeux? Trésor ou inextricable fatras? Portrait génial de la Londres d’autrefois ou barbouillage abstrait ? À chacun de juger les exactions d’Eibon La Furies. En ce qui nous concerne, le duo anglais a été reconnu coupable d’avoir accouché d’une véritable bombe avant-gardiste et est condamné à nous en livrer une nouvelle au plus vite ! [Dave]


Dall’Inghilterra ecco del black metal “sinfonico”, teatrale, legato – anche in maniera colta - a un immaginario ottocentesco e gotico, capace di cambi improvvisi di umore e tempo all’interno di una stessa traccia. No, il gruppo non è famoso e il cantante non è basso.

Gli Eibon La Furies sono una band a tutti gli effetti dal 2008, quando a chitarra e voce maschile, voce femminile e al tastierista si sono aggiunti anche un bassista e un batterista. The Blood Of The Realm è il loro esordio a metà strada tra gli Arcturus de La Masquerade Infernale e – appunto – i Cradle Of Filth: ricorda la seconda metà dei Novanta nella quale molte band black metal passavano dal minimalismo delle origini al massimalismo dei synths, dei campionamenti e – in alcuni casi - dell’imprevedibilità a tutti i costi. Degli Arcturus gli Eibon La Furies vorrebbero possedere la stessa capacità di passare per altri generi in maniera spiazzante, dei Cradle… quasi tutto… quindi si sono scelti un percorso molto difficile, con ai lati della strada molti pronti a prenderli in giro quando passano. Il risultato, invece, è un giro divertente per il tunnel degli orrori, fra orchestrazioni dall’irreale grandeur (quindi anche strizzate d'occhio al mondo delle colonne sonore), accelerazioni improvvise, frangenti più black metal e - all'opposto, in un certo senso - anche passaggi recitati, con l'aggiunta di elementi più strettamente “elettronici” a variare ancora un po' il tutto. Lo sfondo è la Londra di Jack lo squartatore, personaggio dal quale gli Eibon La Furies - data la loro epoca di riferimento – sono molto attratti. Titoli come “Yours Truly, From Hell” o “I Am Whitechapel”, del resto, da soli bastano a far scattare qualcosa nella testa di molte persone, grazie anche alla popolarità del fumetto di Alan Moore e del film dei fratelli Hughes, casomai non fosse bastato un secolo di leggende.
Band per i nostalgici di un modo di intendere il black metal che – nonostante terribili derive e terribili cloni – ha regalato più di qualche
Issue 199 of Terrorizer Magazine.

“Ringmaster Lord Eibon Blackwood is a formidable being, who switches from fierce, rasping black metal screams to Shagrath-like spoken word passages, making sure that everything is conveyed in the most over the top way possible. The music itself is striking for its amazingly detailed and complex arrangements that make use of keys, strings, choral backing vocals and dense atmospherics”


Eibon La Furies: The Blood of the Realm

Having heard about this strange band without ever listening a full release yet, this was my first opportunity to see for myself what those guys were all about. Being signed to Code666, I could expect something out of the ordinary, and yes they are. Formed in 2005 in London (England), the inspiration from their history and bands like Cradle of Filth is quite obvious. They have the darkened / rainy vibe of their home town and the theatrical side of the latter, minus their over-polished production or the screechy Mr. Filth behind the mic, thankfully. On the other hand, The Blood of the Realm was given a low-fi production which reduces the pleasure such a musical style can generate, alas. Not only is the volume quite low, but the sound also gets muddy sometimes. The best moments are those instrumentals where plenty of keyboards, sound effects and percussions are involved, such as in the opening title track and the three part "A Shadow Over London". The guitar work is way too shy for a metal album and some of its harmonies are just lost in the mix. Nonetheless, this release remains melodious, adventurous and intriguing for a listener with an open mind and an increased volume. Many vocal styles are making for a theatrical album. Those include: narrative, whispers, rasps, operatic, male and female choirs and so on. To back this Victorian style, you'll hear some good orchestral keyboard arrangements.

I could only have wished for a better sound production that would have more fairly helped the creative work of those Brits.
Track listing:
1- The Blood of the Realm (intro)
2- The Devil is an Englishman
3- Tears of Angels & Dreams of Demons
4- Horse of the Invisible
5- Winter Kings, Wicker Men & Her Infernal Majesty Brigantia
6- Domination of Will
7- A Shadow Over London Pt 1
8- Yours truly, From Hell
9- …And BY The Moonlight
10- A Shadow Over London Pt2
11- I Am Whitechapel
12- A Shadow Over London Pt3
13- …Of Golden Dawns
14- Dark Designs
15- Infinite Man (outro)
Added: October 14th 2010
Reviewer: Denis Brunelle
A new review of 'The Blood of the Realm' album on www.brutalism.com

"Move over Dimmu Borgir and Cradle Of Filth... there is a new otherwordly metal act in town that merge excellent music with wondrous theatrics."

"Each track on the album is delicately laid out to give the listener a varied mix of different kinds of metal music while a story is told, both praise and satire towards the British society. 'The Blood Of The Realm' is certainly worth checking exploring for those who want an escape from the mediocre black metal that all sounds the same these days."


Read the full review on www.brutalism.com