EINDHOVEN (last Show in Europe)

Aug 10, 2003
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I have pictures of the last show in Eindhoven. I was right in front of the stage close to Chuck...It was awesome!!
The show lasted for about a hour.
It sounded Great man!!
You could see that the guys were having a motherfucking good time. There was a good vibe in the Effenaar.

I will post the pics as soon as possible on this board. I think i got some cool ones between them...

I also want to thank Deadly Embrace for being such a cool crazy motherfucker and for helping us out. Thanx man you were awesome!! I hope i see you next time again in Holland.

The show was an asskicker i've had the time of my life man..
Fucking Cool.

Testament 4 ever Motherfuckers!!!!!!!
I've got pics too.. From the gig AND the afterparty.. Allthough those are kinda x-rated.. :p
It was a great show indeed.. Had the best time!! The hangover the day after was a bit less pleasant..

WHO'S YOUR DADDY???? :loco:
Welll, I don't know if you kids are ready for the schocking truth.. But this is what happens when a bunch of guys are in a bus together for too long of a period.. Aren't they the sweetest couple?? :grin:
