Ektomorf - Instinct

Bleakest Harvest

\m/Misanthropic Hippy\m/
Nov 11, 2001
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Ektomorf - Instinct
Nuclear Blast - NB1397-2 - 28/03/2005
By Patrick Walsh


Yes Ektomorf, we know you like Sepultura, now for fuck's sake get an identity...want to know more? Ektomorf are a Hungarian hardcore thrash band whose mission in this world would appear to be to make the perfect Sepultura album that Sepultura never made. Or did make actually. It was called Roots and caused quite a stir when it was released. Everything from the guitar tone to the delivery of vocalist Zoltan Farkas reeks of Roots era Seps, so much so that listening to this quickly becomes an excercise in cringe. I shit you not, this is plagiarism of a degree i've never before witnessed.

Instinct is immaculately played, perfectly produced and well arranged. The band have a decent ear for riffs and melodies and the occasional use of some (apparently Gypsy) occasional trad elements are a neat if well-worn idea. It's obvious this group are no novices to their craft, and the fact that Instinct is their sixth album shows that this band are absolutely shameless when it comes to their influences. Surely a band plying their trade since 1996 would have developed some semblance of identity at this stage, but no. Instinct is a direct copy of the template Sepultura perfected 10 years ago; mid-paced groovy thrash numbers with occasional leads, tribal drum patterns, lyrics about discrimination and a downright cheeky attempt at being original by claiming to have 'gypsy influences' in their music. You're not fooling anyone lads, and i'm afraid there's simply no way I can recommend something that amounts to direct plagiarism. Dig up your old copy of Roots instead please.


Ektomorf's Official Website
Nuclear Blast's Official Website