electronic music and cob ???


New Metal Member
Feb 29, 2008
Hi. I've been a metalhead for over ten years and in recent times I've focused my attention to electronic music. Any other metal heads here like electro, dubstep or any of these heavy electronic genres? I'm quite fond of both of these. Dubstep is definitely for headbanging. Well, the real reason I'm posting this is cause I made a song mixing Skrillex's sound with CoB's sound. I'm probably going to pursue this sound as my own since I've brainwashed myself with both of their sounds throughout the years. Could you guys give me your opinions? Are you utterly disgusted with the bastard child I've created? Here's the link: http://soundcloud.com/achromatic/laser-shotgun-massacre-pt-1 .

I forgot to mention that there's a pinch harmonic sample from Kissing the Shadows in there somewhere. Cool shit, eh?
Sounds cool but I can't really stomach the genre. The only electronic stuff I actually like is hardcore, like Evil Activities or Amnesys.
Since I am no any uber-kvlt metalhead.. recently I have begun to dig music with electronic signs too and this sounded pretty cool to me.
Yeah yeah... electronic music fused with COB would obviously be candy... they'd steal any of COB's melodies and play it a million times over a simple beat and that's it. All we need is Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber to sing and we have the recipe for selling trillion records. I hope nobody in electronic music gets to take advantage of COB's melodies. Let them figure their own melodies... if Alexi and Janne start their own computer music project (like Hypocrisy - Pain) that's a different thing.
Yeah yeah... electronic music fused with COB would obviously be candy... they'd steal any of COB's melodies and play it a million times over a simple beat and that's it. All we need is Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber to sing and we have the recipe for selling trillion records. I hope nobody in electronic music gets to take advantage of COB's melodies. Let them figure their own melodies... if Alexi and Janne start their own computer music project (like Hypocrisy - Pain) that's a different thing.

It would sort of be like people ripping off Yngwie Malmsteen's licks and playing them over chugging, monotonous death metal, right?

I don't think there's anything wrong with being strongly influenced by a specific artist to the point where you start thinking like them. It's pretty inevitable if you've brainwashed yourself with their music for so many years. I would hardly call that stealing.

I for one, would love to hear more metal influenced electronic music. Something like this for example: . If you are a tr00 kvlt faggot then you should probably stay clear from this one.

HLina, P4t0u, Crzy_Aus thank you for your kind words. Care to recommend some tracks? Be sure to look at that link I just posted. You guys would probably like it.

(__Joonas__), I would love to hear an electronic music project by Alexi and Janne. It would probably be heavy as fuck and very melodic as well. Sadly, producing electronic music is a completely different beast than making music in a band. It would take a while for them to make a crossover, side project or fussion. Anyway, can you recommend a track for this Hipocrisy electronic project? I never really got into them when I was more into the metal scene. Check out that song I posted. You could probably appreciate it.
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My two favorite tracks from the two artists I mentioned:

Also, I -hate- Asking Alexandria and other faggot bands like it. Music is shit, vocals are shit, guitars are shit, it's like shit covered in shit which is also covered in shit. If you want actual -good- examples of mixing electronic music with metal, try DT's recent stuff, Mors Principium Est, or Blood Stain Child's last album. Like so:

EDIT: Also forgot, Wagdug's "Hakai" album was great. "Ram the Crush" mostly sucked though.

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(__Joonas__), I would love to hear an electronic music project by Alexi and Janne. It would probably be heavy as fuck and very melodic as well. Sadly, producing electronic music is a completely different beast than making music in a band. It would take a while for them to make a crossover, side project or fussion. Anyway, can you recommend a track for this Hipocrisy electronic project? I never really got into them when I was more into the metal scene. Check out that song I posted. You could probably appreciate it.

I've been thinking nobody would make more kickass electronic beats in theory than Alexi and Janne fusing their ideas together... when you think how catchy COB already is as metal.

Sure... obviously Peter Tägtgren is the man behind both bands, they're mostly different because the artist wanted to compose different kinds of stuffs...

In case you're not familiar with Hypocrisy...


They obviously have lots of other great songs like Roswell 47, Eraser, Born Dead Buried Alive, Slave to the Parasites, Fractured Millennium, Valley of the Damned, Hang Him High, etc... they do have a lot of shit also, but the gems should be recognized.
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Hi. I've been a metalhead for over ten years and in recent times I've focused my attention to electronic music. Any other metal heads here like electro, dubstep or any of these heavy electronic genres? I'm quite fond of both of these. Dubstep is definitely for headbanging. Well, the real reason I'm posting this is cause I made a song mixing Skrillex's sound with CoB's sound. I'm probably going to pursue this sound as my own since I've brainwashed myself with both of their sounds throughout the years. Could you guys give me your opinions? Are you utterly disgusted with the bastard child I've created? Here's the link: http://soundcloud.com/achromatic/laser-shotgun-massacre-pt-1 .

I forgot to mention that there's a pinch harmonic sample from Kissing the Shadows in there somewhere. Cool shit, eh?

Yeah since I dont really like metal and prefer such music over metal any time I think it's ok/nice. not exactly what I like but trippin in a club I guess I wouldnt care and love it. You should master it though dude, too much dynamics :P