Eleven Rack

hehe, no problem, was just reading the thread in the equipment forum... don't know really what to think about the unit, looks nice anyway.
Didn't even notice the equipment forum was there :)

Looks like a good unit, some nice features, but I think I'd rather have an X3 Pro, given the choice. I have the full version of Eleven and I've never thought I could do with a hardware version of it.

I'll stick with my X3 Live til I can afford an AxeFX... ouchie!

I've never tried myself... with Eleven and POD Farm to play with (plus actual amps, cabs and mics!) it's one of those things I haven't got round to doing.

My band is doing a new album in the next few months, so we'll be getting stuck into guitar sounds again then - at the moment I'm really like the X3, though I've done stuff with Eleven too. I think you could probably use just about anything if you really had to - I used a VAmp for our last album lol
