

Wondering Voyeur
Dec 7, 2003
hellbound wrote:
Na Any fucks saying that Sound Track To Your Escape will suck ive got news for u It kicks ass the promos maybe the weaker songs on the album but its on par with clayman! R2R Sucked though Shadows Fall should move there fourms to the ultimate Metal fourms Where Metal IS!

Um, no.

The SF forum is fine right here where it is, UM is 97% elitist, and most of the people there think Tool and Ephel Duath are the end all be all of music.

My Question is What is elitist? What is it people who are too good to listen to Nu-Metal bc iam all for it! :p
my opinion on Elitism includes lack of respect for others musical opinions, stating bullshit degrading "facts" they pulled out of their ass about music they don't like or know enough about, extreme stereotypes of others (the "mallcore fag" is one of the most common and retarded examples), the opinion that they are are a superior person and musical listener (for example, they might start going off spewing out all these bullshit pseudo-intellectual terms describing music or how certain things are superior), pseudo wannabe-nihilism (i guess it makes ya sound smart and superior, eh kiddies?).... I've often criticized Planetary Eulogy for his extreme elitist-nihilist tendencies, but to be honest I have more respect for him than all the wannabes out there.... at least he takes his views very seriously, and is genuine and educated about it, as stupid as they might be in my opinion.... the amount of wannabes are growing, i can see it.

as far as "taste" goes, since opinions on what music is good is subjective, taste can not be defined by ones opinion in music. rather their attitude and biases toward the music, etc.... so if i criticize someone's "taste", its their attitude rather than the music.

thats a general idea, of course theres a lot more to it. with the rise of popularity of metal, its also the rise of assholes who just can't accept anything mainstream in the slightest and who act in such manner. its just getting worse on this board. it pisses me off to no end....

i typed all this shit out once, and lost it. this is my second attempt, so unfortunately i might have missed a little point.

*end rant*
Elitism will be a part of metal as long as it remains an alternative form of music. Just got to live with it. I always thought Darkthrone should have done a Wham cover in their early days myself.
Blackthorned said:
Elitism will be a part of metal as long as it remains an alternative form of music. Just got to live with it. I always thought Darkthrone should have done a Wham cover in their early days myself.
EVERYONE should cover Wham! :kickass: