Elm Street - Heart Racer

When the moderator of the board does it, that tends to set a fairly strong precedent. Good to know the technicalities of the rules though. Assuming you're in the band, even if you produced the project entirely, the vast majority of the discussion is about mix aspects, even if you make multiple threads about it in near succession, it's all good. The thing is, none of it bothers me. If people want to post projects that they, or others, have sunk thousands of collective man-hours into, regardless of whether they're in the band or not, they should be allowed to showcase it somewhere where the flow of conversation doesn't start with 'rate my Avatar preset and new Misha cab IR tone'.

Look, I can read subtext. 'The walls have ears', as they say. I get that you dislike me on a personal level, and use these opportunities as a pretext to bring it out. It's the reason I got rid of you on social media. I'm just not interested. I don't have the will, time nor energy to dedicate to it. If you take issue with one of my threads you can just report it, and let MetalAges or Lasse deal with it accordingly. You don't need to trawl them looking for some technicality to try to trip me up on. I don't make these threads with ill intentions. Yes, this particular one was entirely made with the intention of showcasing the production work, and to some degree the music as well, so that people here would have the opportunity to ask questions about an album where the drum recording budget alone exceeded what most people spend on their entire home studios. I never tried to hide that. I used to love opportunities like this when I was new and still had a wealth of learning ahead of me. That was the original spirit of this place - for people to learn from one another. This is me asking you nicely - keep away. I don't want to deal with you anymore. Avoid my threads, or report them.
Look, I can read subtext. 'The walls have ears', as they say. I get that you dislike me on a personal level, and use these opportunities as a pretext to bring it out. It's the reason I got rid of you on social media. I'm just not interested. I don't have the will, time nor energy to dedicate to it. If you take issue with one of my threads you can just report it, and let MetalAges or Lasse deal with it accordingly. You don't need to trawl them looking for some technicality to try to trip me up on. I don't make these threads with ill intentions. Yes, this particular one was entirely made with the intention of showcasing the production work, and to some degree the music as well, so that people here would have the opportunity to ask questions about an album where the drum recording budget alone exceeded what most people spend on their entire home studios. I never tried to hide that. I used to love opportunities like this when I was new and still had a wealth of learning ahead of me. That was the original spirit of this place - for people to learn from one another. This is me asking you nicely - keep away. I don't want to deal with you anymore. Avoid my threads, or report them.

This isn't an "I don't like you personally so I'm going to be a dick about it" thing - this is a "you are an attention seeking narcissist and it's starting to leak into the wrong boards" thing. You bring up social media - the fact that until a bit ago you were posting multiple times a week on Instagram yet following 0 people really speaks volumes about the root of your issues.

I don't even know if I don't like you personally because I don't know you personally anymore - you used to be really cool and approachable, but you went nuts 3-4 years ago and turned into a sociopathic, attention seeking, up-his-own-ass "mixing guru" that decided to be an absolute dick to everyone who didn't suck his.
I like where this thread is going.

FWIW, even though it's technically against the rules, I do feel that finished productions (ie. threads not asking for mixing advice/feedback) are more suitable in this sub forum.
^^I feel like we need another subforum for real production stuff, honestly; Practice Room is a hellhole of bad ampsim/programmed drum covers and I get why people don't post stuff there, but that's where promoted work is supposed to go.
That is one solution. On the other hand, this sub forum is for off-topic stuff where people post random shit so I don't really think this kind of posts are interfering. For me at least.

Also, speaking as someone who has promoted his work here in the past, I prefer to post here rather than the practice room or a different dedicated subforum because more people are likely to check it out. So I do have and ulterior motive ;)
Honestly, I like coming into the OTT to find FINISHED releases by bands etc. I don't want to trawl the RMM sub to sift through pages of axe fx SD 'do I sound pro yet?' posts to find them either.

I don't think the guys who post in here are looking for mix feedback either, the mixes are done and dusted, and I'll make a large assumption that Ermin probably doesn't give a fuck about if people like it or not but enjoyed and is proud of the project so he's sharing a finished product that people might enjoy outside of just the mix etc.

These sorts of posts may not necessarily fit in here by definition, but it's better here than the RMM sub
This isn't an "I don't like you personally so I'm going to be a dick about it" thing - this is a "you are an attention seeking narcissist and it's starting to leak into the wrong boards" thing. You bring up social media - the fact that until a bit ago you were posting multiple times a week on Instagram yet following 0 people really speaks volumes about the root of your issues.

I don't even know if I don't like you personally because I don't know you personally anymore - you used to be really cool and approachable, but you went nuts 3-4 years ago and turned into a sociopathic, attention seeking, up-his-own-ass "mixing guru" that decided to be an absolute dick to everyone who didn't suck his.

This speaks volumes only about you and your level of professionalism.

I'll make sure to recommend everyone I know to avoid doing audio business with you and your fucked up attitude.
stuff you post in practice room just helplessly drowns because no one is really paying attention to that whole subforum.
stuff you post in practice room just helplessly drowns because no one is really paying attention to that whole subforum.

This, honestly finished productions really need their own subforum, practice room is crammed with mix practice cover songs and "sound tests", nothing wrong with those really, even though I think those sound tests with everything programmed but guitars (and theyre just "chugging" open C...) are pretty fucking useless... I'd honestly love to check out what other guys on this forum are doing, but it's really hard because those overdone cover mix practices are literally everywhere...
So we've got consensus then - the Practice Room sucks for its intended purpose because it's too much of a catch-all and posts go to die there.

Given that, what makes most sense? I think adding a new room for real productions/finished work would be far preferable than just opening the off-topic to every post that wouldn't get ideal reach in the Practice Room. Avoiding that type of cross-posting and never being able to see a useful topic through the drivel was the whole reason we moved to a more granular forum in the first place.
I think if we don't do anything special, it will always feel awkward anyway.

Off topic is not "off the topic of audio production" when someone posts about his album, or the album he produced.

"Rate my mix" definitely sounds like a "work in progress" area. Either within the mixing stage, or mixing songs one after another for personal training. though the title is not strictly against posting finished mixes, it de facto began a festival of newcomer attempts. Props to them, I'm still a noob in a way myself, but I feel it doesn't serve the purpose of showing off special products by opposition to purely learning the craft.

So I would agree we need a room somewhere for "Finished products". And in there should only be allowed full production, albums, ready or already available, why not video production as well.

The difficulty could be to avoid it being a pure advertisement place. Last thing we want is all ---core bands in the planet post here to say they released an album. On another hand, I would love to go check here how turned out even a solo album from someone who has dedicated months if not years in the rate my mix section to make his guitar album sound great.

Then, someone interested in checking quality stuff would check this one. Follow the latest news of other members etc. But if he wants to train his ear, pass his knowledge more towards others, he can go to rate my mix or participate in the FOH technique forum.

Also, I would have proposed a sub-sub forum or a brother forum to "rate my mix" called "100% natural". You would post there instead of the normal rate my mix forum if you basically have no midi instrument playing for you (you understand me, I mean drums / guitars/bass), and natural drums and microphones etc, with a little flexibility for the odd cases. The idea being that at least there you will only read about the particular topic of real microphones placements. You would learn that tightening your speaker's screws can fix their sound etc. This not in order to put a hierarchy in "what sounds good", but in order to organize the practice forum into the two different worlds that are vstis and live instruments.

I personally find axe FX and other plugins fantastic nowadays but I would like to read again about traditional technique.
I don't think it's worth adding another sub-forum. The "golden days" are quite behind us and there's not a whole lot of stimulating discussions as there once was. Adding one more piece to the puzzle would just further confuse things.

I don't mind as it is right now to be fair.

Also, great mix Ermin!