Elvenking - The Winter Wake

Mort Divine

Shrine Maiden of the In-Crowd
Oct 28, 2005
Fargo, ND
Elvenking, the band that released the amazing Heathenreel and the lackluster Wyrd, has finally released their long awaited third album, The Winter Wake.

So, I am betting many are wondering how good this album is, and if you are not, well then, whatever.


What we have here is an album that is a major step-above Wyrd, but a big step down from Heathenreel. Infact, I'd go as far to say, that this album sucks for the fact that Damnagoras is back in the band.

The thing is, this album is great as a power metal album, but if you were spoiled by hearing Heathenreel it isn't going to do anything for you, well not much anyways. It just sounds like a good but typical power metal album with a bit of the Elvenking flair, but not much of it.

It just doesn't have that magic it could have had.

However, there is one song on here that I hold in the same high reguards as the entire Heathenreel album, Devil's Carriage. This song is just as good as the best of Heathenreel (The Dweller of Rhymes) and just a small step below Elvenking's best overall song (Banquet of Bards.)

So over all, a good release, but come on Elvenking, we don't want a good release, we want the true follow up album to Heathenreel.

Anyways my 2 cents:

The album is really a great album... But like the reviewer says, it's a step down from previous works. There are a couple songs I can't listen to because they just don't sound too good. But the majority is damn good.
a step down from their previous works? I thought Wyrd was already a huge step down, is this one even worse?
AsModEe said:
a step down from their previous works? I thought Wyrd was already a huge step down, is this one even worse?
Oh no, it is a step down from Heathenreel, but a HUGE step up from Wyrd.