

New Metal Member
Jan 24, 2003
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Is there any chance of Elvenking appearing again this year? Now that they've got over the problems with a frontman, and there should be a new album in the next few months, it would be good to see some of their stuff. After all, last year they could only do Skyclad songs due to Damnagoras leaving.

What does everyone think, Elvenking for Bloodstock '03?
Yeh, I'd be up for it. I was disappointed we didn't get them properly last year, though it was good of Martin Walkier to step in and do some Skyclad
I must admit, it's strange for a band like this to play two years running, but considering we didn't actually see them perform their own material last year I think it would be great to see them at Bloodstock this year. The Skyclad songs they performed last year were awsome and i'm dying to hear their new vocalist and stuff from their new album. Judging by posts on their website it also sounds like the band may be up for it too. Come on guys, how about it? :)
Elven King were great last year but sadly there was a cockup and didn't actually have their CDs there for anyone to buy.

Shame, I downloaded one of their tracks and it was great! I'd definately go if they play this year!
i wouldnt really say we saw elvenking last year, they were playing skyclad songs. so it wouldnt be 2 years in row, even if it was theyre good enough! heathenreel is also highly recommended, its truly great! do check it out.