Friday night - Elvenking...Saturday night - Raintime

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
I live 30 minutes from both bands, so seeing them live is somewhat of a casual thing here.

Elvenking have gotten infinitely better with their live shows...much more precise and much better overall. Their new live guitarist Raffaelo happens to be my guitar teacher...and they've got him playing mainly rhythm, but I hope he gets the chance to show you guys his chops this year...he's a monster.

Raintime, as per usual, were great. I'm really good friends with all of them and still I'm always impressed every show even though I've seen them a gazillion times. Many bigger bands around here tend to get old after a few shows, but Raintime always put on a good show and leave you wanting more. Hopefully they'll be back next year.
Bah, come live here for a while...that whole "stars in the eyes" phase will wear off, :lol:. I'm actually American but I live here, and when I first got here I was like a kid in a candy store because it's so difficult to see the sheer amount of bands that come through here unless you live in NY, LA, or such. But now I'm like, "Meh, I've seen em already...".

Hehe, Elvenking were kinda frustrated with the crowd because we weren't going crazy or anything, just kinda standing there watching because we've all seen them a million times. They're all friends anyway.
:lol: I plan on spending some time in Italy eventually. It's not really any sort of "stars in the eyes" thing, though, I just like the music of both bands alot and I'd like being able to just casually see them and hang out during a live set of either band instead of, say, having to fly to Atlanta.
Actually, Claudio may be helping out with vocal duties for some live dates in the near future with my band, at least until we can find a permanent replacement. He's a very dear friend of mine and truly a nice person...always helping people when he can. Raintime is quite busy this summer, but during the fall we may be able to do some things together when everything slows down. It's completely different and not very prog at all...very extreme and futuristic-type metal. It's just that his voice fits quite well and I couldn't think of anyone else I'd rather have to fill in for the time being.

Raintime as a whole is a band that is truly nice and humble; there is no jealousy or arrogance. They'll play with anyone, anywhere, and it doesn't matter who you are or what level your playing is. Not everyone around here is like that, but it's always nice to see that the bands on the rise still have their feet on the ground.
I live 30 minutes from both bands, so seeing them live is somewhat of a casual thing here.

Elvenking have gotten infinitely better with their live shows...much more precise and much better overall. Their new live guitarist Raffaelo happens to be my guitar teacher...and they've got him playing mainly rhythm, but I hope he gets the chance to show you guys his chops this year...he's a monster.

Raintime, as per usual, were great. I'm really good friends with all of them and still I'm always impressed every show even though I've seen them a gazillion times. Many bigger bands around here tend to get old after a few shows, but Raintime always put on a good show and leave you wanting more. Hopefully they'll be back next year.

Cool. If you are on LastFM, I run an Italian Metal page. You can help me with some Italian bands and hopefully get my hands on some not so popular italian music.

Hope to hear from ya.
Check out:

Skylab (my band, hee hee...futuristic, atmostpheric, with a touch of black avante-garde)
Karnak (morbid angel meets behold the arctopus meets meshuggah)
Goldenseed (Karnak guitarist solo project...much more prog)

We are all from the same region, Friuli, here in Italy. Friuli is bursting at the seams right now with bands trying to explode.

My favorite band is Novembre, however. For me, it doesn't get any better. Romans do it really well.