Cancellation of tour - Secret Sphere / Raintime / Royal Hunt

Raintime sounds great; I had never heard of them.

I will have to go buy a cd by them. It won't make a dent in the money they owe, but at least it is something.

If anyone has a way to contact the band directly, I'd like them to send a copy of Claus's original message to the band, so they can comment on the specific points which Claus addressed. They didn't really address any of these specifics in their "statements", and I'd like to see what they have to say about the individual details.
booB said:
If anyone has a way to contact the band directly, I'd like them to send a copy of Claus's original message to the band, so they can comment on the specific points which Claus addressed. They didn't really address any of these specifics in their "statements", and I'd like to see what they have to say about the individual details.
Go to and then go to the forum there you can tell it like it is. Andree will answer.

Well, if the truth is somewhere in the middle, then maybe RH could've done some things differently (i.e., let the other bands know sooner if they knew something was giong on), but... though in my litigious American heart :) I think they should have played the rest of the tour and sued the backed-out sponsor for breach of contract, it sure is difficult to spend that kind of money and maybe not ever get it all back (contract breach or not, you can't always get people to live up to their end of the bargain even in court), so it sounds like a lose-lose situation. Who knows what really happened?


P.S. What the hell does "no admittance" mean next to a tour date??