John West gone from Royal Hunt!

See my post right after that post....
Nope - I was right - knew I read it somewheer - found it on Caffery's board> Thanks for prompting me to look for it.

Lord Of The Board

Joined: 07 Nov 2003
Posts: 2747

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 4:58 pm Post subject: Long Time No Sing Just a quick note....

My freind John West's new solo CD is being released in Europe on Frontiers Records June 9th. It is called "Long TIme No Sing".

After a triumphant battle with throat cancer I am so excited for John!

I wrote a couple songs with him and played some rhythm guitars on the CD. John did all the leads himself!

Get a copy and support one of the greatest singers on the planet!

Here is a link to the CD on the Frontiers web site!
I was just listening to Paradox this past weekend while driving through Death Valley at sunset. It was really cool.

Definitely too bad they can't get it together. DC rejoining for a quick tour would be pretty killer though, but I can see now what the deal with that is. Good info.