[EMERGENCY] Need your help for an EP's intro !


Jun 15, 2010
Lyon (Fr)
Hi there ! I'm newly registered but I read the forum for a while, you guys just rock !

My name is Robin, I'm bassplayer for a french hardcore band. We are working on our first EP, wich should be released at fall 2010. And here's the big deal : we are in contact with a big american band to have a featuring with their singer on the intro of our EP. It is some ambiant/athmosperic stuff with spoken/scream vocals. (Check "The End is Here", "Salmarnir" and "Casting Such a Thin Shadow" from the band Underoath as examples).

I tried to write some music, but I have not enough gear, and not enough experience. And I know that you guys got what I need.

So, if you think that you can give me a ± 2' introduction, just send me a PM, and I will give you all the informations you need. It's really an emergency, beacuase the band we are working with is currently in studio, so their manager wants me to send them a music before the end of teir recordings...
This will probably be payed in any way ;)

Thank you ! :kickass: