EMI copy controll sux dead donkeys balls


Apr 17, 2001
I bought 'Dance of Death' yesterday in the city and eagerly put it in my diskman to listen to on the way home.
Pity only 10 seconds of each track will play until the antishock memory fills up and then the disk stops!!!!
Oh well i thought, i can wait till i get into my car to drive to my parents place for dinner.
I couldn't bloody believe it! It won't work in my car either !!!
I don't know how they are legally allowed to sell something as a CD when it is not a Compact Disk at all, it does not meet the original standard of a Compact Disk and doesn't even have the Compact Disk logo on it
Emi this is ridiculous as now i have to make a copy of the disk just to listen to it!!!
it makes me really mad :yell::yell::yell:
That sucks. I have a feeling that this kind of copy proptection will lead to a lot of people copying MP3s just to spite record companies, they are sort of shooting themselves in the foot, especially when cds wont play in cars stereos...
Yeah, it'll probably lead to more piracry. People will have to fuck around and copy it to 'real' cd so they can actually play it!
Then they'll think "hell, while I'm at it I'll make a few copies for my mates".
Gavin said:
I don't know how they are legally allowed to sell something as a CD when it is not a Compact Disk at all, it does not meet the original standard of a Compact Disk and doesn't even have the Compact Disk logo on it

That's how they're allowed to sell it. It ISN'T a compact disk, so it doesn't have the logo on it. They're not selling it as a compact disk.

You should return it as it's "unfit for the purpose for which it is intended".
And what's even funnier is that it didn't actually stop me ripping it at all. All it's doing is causing people headaches. The ones who want to rip will find a way to rip regardless, even if it was effective copy control, and those who wouldn't even think about it are going to be inconvienienced.
I've noticed that when I play this disc on my computer, the player says that it's at 48kbps... isn't that rather low? Like most mp3s are 64 or 128 or something?

Or am I missing something.

Also I reckon the cymbals kinda sound like they've been compressed. Everything else sounds OK but the cymbals sound like they're from a low-average quality mp3 or rm file.
Are you playing it with whatever you had to install to play it? I didn't go through that bit myself, so I many be talking rubbish, but I've got a friend who bought a different copy protected disk (Placebo, if I remember correctly) who tried tp play it on his PC and got the same thing. He ended up ripping it so he could listen to it properly.
I never knew they had this kind of things on cds, or is it just the major labels with the mostly top 40 stuff that does this to their cds?