Question about recording my songs

Spruce Goose

Then Goose me up woman!
Apr 17, 2001

I have a keyboard with floppy disk and shit, but I want to know what the best way to record from my keboard onto a cd is. I don't know shit about MIDI or any of that crap. I don't want to record onto a floppy disk, and then play just the midi back through my PC... Cause MIDI is crap. I want it to sound exactly the way it does whan I play it through the keyboard. DO I need a program or a good PC or what?

Ejaculate me at will....... Or atleast Educate me at will
Here is what I do....

Get a program called "MOD Plug Tracker" which is free. On this, you can make all your drum and bass tracks and also synths and stuff. You can download (or capture your own) sound samples of things like the snare drum, kick drum etc (I use the snare drum off Pyromania!) so your drum kit sounds totally real.

Then download and get a crack for some kind of mixing/recording studio program such as N-Track, Acid Pro, etc. You can import your files from MOD Plug Tracker, then just record your keyboards or guitars or vocals or whatever live over the top and mix it etc and save them to mp3s.
Well, my keyboard does all of the drum and bass tracks and that, and sounds really real. Like, my keyboard has 16 track mixer thingey, so that side of it is fine. I can record realistic drum and bass (and Orcestra, and choir, and African tribal beats). So I don't think I will need that MOD Plug Tracker thing.

The question I had was, how do I record from my Keyboard onto my PC so that I can burn a cd? You say get a program like Acid Pro or something, and then record my keyboards live over the top. That is the step I am missing. How do I do that?

Do I need a cable to plug from keyboard to PC or what is the process? I have never done it before, so if you wanna start at the beginning, I'll buy you an ice cream :)
I assume your keyboard has RCA outputs or at least headphone out. Just plug it into the input of your soundcard and create a wav file then convert it to mp3 or standard audio and burn it to cd

is that all you want to do ?
I would like to create a song on keyboard.

This is what I want to do:

*Record Drum and bass tracks (On Keyboard)
*Transfer the recording of my Drum and Bass Track to a PC. I assume I need a program for this.
*Record my keyboard track (On keyboard)
*Transfer keyboard track onto PC so that it is in a seperate track to the drum and bass track(s)
*Be able to have control of track volume/pan etc so that I can make the keyboard track more prominant thatn the drums and bass.

You said to plug from the RCA output to the input of my soundcard..... Using what? Like a guitar lead or something? I don't know if my soundcard has a big enough socket for that? That is the part that I don't understand. How to connect the keyboard to the PC.

You also said to create a wav file. Ok..... How?
Go to Dick Smith or something and buy a lead where both ends are the size that fit into discmans, soundcards etc. Then you can buy for about $2 guitar lead size jack that fits over one of the ends so you can plug that end into your keyboard.

Just explain to the guys in the store what you wanna do and they'll show you what lead you need.

Then I'd say once your keyboard is connected, just have your keyboard drum/bass track playing while the mixing program (Acid/N-Track/whatever) records it. It's a multitrack thing. Then you can record your keyboard parts over it, then do all the mixing, panning, effects, etc. Then you save the file as an mp3 or wave and burn it to CD.
Troops :rock:


Hey man..... If you have any songs that you have written on guitar and have on CD.... Do ya wanna send it to me and I will add some keyboard tracks? Could be cool. I can add strings or whatever, then reburn cd and send back to ya :)
I don't really have anything on CD at the moment.... except a melodic hard rock song I recorded a few months ago but its already soaked from top to bottom in big '80s keyboards haha!
Cool. Ima gunna do this. Which program do you think is the easiest? I am pretty familar with Protools, but dunno if it will work on my compter. What is Acip Pro and Cake Walk and Cu Base like? Easy to use for a beginner.

Oh, and troops, I learnt November Rain last night. Its cool to play and singalong to. It took me a few minutes to get tha change from F# to B, and then the whole E# to C#m to B part, but now all is good.