Emptiness Unobstructed Video Premiere

I find it cheesy and I highly doubt that they didn't set the chant on a loop which only adds to the cheese factor.

A loop? Ha, it's pretty normal procedure for fans to repeatedly chant a bands name before they come on stage, I highly doubt they would have needed to loop it.
..at least it came out way before 'Twilight' happened. :rolleyes:
Vampire themed -anything- will never be the same ..unless you count the redneck vampire series, which is so bad it's good.
Well mine was more of a tongue-in-cheek post.
I'm actually just happy they're an active band, still putting out albums/touring/making videos.
Vampire this vampire that. Everywhere i look some new vampire movie is being released or vampire series. The Gates is premiering on TNT, another freggin' vampire themed series.

It's all overdone. There have been 70 vampire related series since the 60's and 230 movies since the early 20's.
Not a huge fan of this video. They go to one of the most epic places on earth and then film from angles that show nothing but the sky?


Also, were there 12 people chanting at the end? Or maybe 13? Sounded like the end of a weeknight at a tiny bar with local bands.
Yeah, the director didn't really take advantage of the cliffs.

And by "didn't really" I meant "what cliffs?"