Enchant at ProgPower VI?


Sep 16, 2002
Maplewood, MN
Not sure, esp since I have seen next to nothing on a lot of the forums about this, but it slipped my mind how Enchant have done some touring this year anyway, and Glenn said the lineup will be all new bands to PP, thus Enchant would qualify. And the fact I have seen them brought up a few times on the PP forum.

The last 6 bands have to still be named, I wonder if Enchant is 1 of them.
It'd be really cool if they did.

I WISH!!!! We :wave: have done a LOT in the last two years to try to bring Enchant to ProgPower...and it would definitley ROCK to have them there...Enchant has ranked quite highly on the 'wish list' posts that are in the PP forum...and alas, as for this year, considering that a few in the lineup have already been announced, they would make an AWESOME addition! :Spin:
Yeah the guys are not on the bill this year - Glenn's list came together about two months faster than it normally does.

Personally I have been trying to feel out Glenn myself for months (various regular emails) about Enchant getting on the bill and even offered to help him out logistics-wise for the show (picking up the band from the airport, etc...). I actually ordered an extra copy of the DVD originally to send to him so he could see Enchant in a live environment. He confimed for me at the very end of last year when he was pretty much set bandwise and was not interested in Enchant for this years lineup. That's cool.

But I REALLY think the guys need to play this festival. It has become the premiere US festival for our type of music and these guys have been around way too long and worked too hard NOT to play this show in their home country. Mare - maybe you and I need to join forces to try and make this happen for next year. I had actually floated the idea to Glenn about being a 'sponsor/patron' for the band and still consider that. We should see if we can put our heads together about this Mare - you were a sponsor last year so maybe your 'voice' can carry a little more authority. :grin: (we should talk about this in the near future....)
Well thanks a ton Kyle for starting this one.

IUC nails it, we might not be the heaviest band on the bill but this event could really use a band like us. Hmmmmmmmmm Prog and Power ? I think we fit that definition perfect?

Anyone that has ever seen us live knows we are much heavier live. We canbe as loud and heavy as we want to be, and the prog part is easy.

Both Dave and Mare have talked to people and been really active lobbying for this one. You are both simply amazing and you know how much we appreciate this.

Maybe if everyone floods the PP forum with a huge amount of requests for us it would be a very good thing.

Inundate the site with posts and ask for us and lets see what happens?

For now its Headway and then we shall see ?

You guys rock. Thanks
sure, I actually wasn't thinking of you guys when Glenn started talking about this years lineup. I mean over the past few years, no doubt there are folks who have mentioned Enchant as a good fit for PP, esp considering how few shows in the US you guys are able to play. And after CalProg last year and now Headway, it just makes a lot of sense.

A lot of the PP audience is the Dream Theater community, and Enchant is a very big in nthe DT community anyway.

But as it must be a lot of long hours for Glenn, he has a lot of bands, different bands to look for every year..or for the following year even. He's probably already working on '06 right now, believe it or not.

And of course it comes down to a lot of times balancing the lineup and such.

but I tell ya, maybe some of us folks over here can make it a point to start lobbying hard on that forum and at the festival in Sept.

I have to tell you... my heart skipped a beat when I saw the subject line of this thread! I have been saying I want Enchant at PP for as many years as I've been attending and that would be since PP started in Chicago!

Enchant is definitely one of my favorite bands and I fully believe that they SHOULD be part of this event! I never heard anything about having to be heavy to be part of this festival. Besides, who says that Enchant isn't heavy? While they are not Symphony X (another fav), they are also not The Flower Kings or Trans-Atlantic. They clearly have more drive and energy than either of those bands. I should hope that "heaviness" is not the factor that precludes Enchant from playing this show. I would be disappointed with that :cry:

For now I'll have to continue to enjoy my Live At Last DVD and CDs! Also, I'll have to look more into this "Headway" I've seen a few of you refer to. All I know is that I've been dying to see these guys live for the longest time and hope that I won't have to wait much longer.

BTW, Hey Mare! By any chance are coming down to Jaxx next Saturday for the Seven Witches show? I recently joined Odin's Court and we'll be coming on right before them! I hope that you are able to make it. Say Hi to Dave!

Take care!
Wow! What rock have I been living under? It seems the Headway festival is quite big! Man, what a lineup!!!! The logistics would be tough, but man it is so, so tempting... Enchant AND Fates Warning?!?!?! Along with many others! It would be a GREAT birthday present to myself :-)

Probably not a good time to go and get all jet lagged... we open for Sonata Arctica on 4/13 (as long as they still tour since Nightwish postponed and all).

Hey thanks man, really and get your ticket and come on over! Headway will rock. Treat yourself bro. You can still kick ass the following week at your gig even if you got a little lag. We have done it many times. :ill:

Really thanks for the support and kind words and especially about PP5.

I checked your bands site out, very cool!

Rock on!

Rick Pierpont said:
Wow! What rock have I been living under? It seems the Headway festival is quite big! Man, what a lineup!!!! The logistics would be tough, but man it is so, so tempting... Enchant AND Fates Warning?!?!?! Along with many others! It would be a GREAT birthday present to myself :-)

Probably not a good time to go and get all jet lagged... we open for Sonata Arctica on 4/13 (as long as they still tour since Nightwish postponed and all).
Rick Pierpont said:
BTW, Hey Mare! By any chance are coming down to Jaxx next Saturday for the Seven Witches show? I recently joined Odin's Court and we'll be coming on right before them! I hope that you are able to make it. Say Hi to Dave!

Take care!

Hiya Rick!

Hey it was fun running into you at the Corn Maze, LOL!!!! Congrats on joining Odin's Court!!! Anywho, I passed on your 'hi' to Dave and he says the same for you! Alas, I won't be there this weekend as I am in NC for a studio workshop. Say hi to Jack for me, LOL! However, Dave and I are both all over seeing you guys in April!!! Hope that show is still on!!! And yep, I know how Jaxx works, so we def would buy the tickets from you. So why not we hook up at lunchtime one day - after all, you're right across the street during the day!

ebass said:

Hey thanks man, really and get your ticket and come on over! Headway will rock. Treat yourself bro. You can still kick ass the following week at your gig even if you got a little lag. We have done it many times. :ill:

Really thanks for the support and kind words and especially about PP5.

I checked your bands site out, very cool!

Rock on!

Hey Ed,

No problem! Believe me, it is very tempting. I first found out about you guys rght before Break came out and I you all quickly jumped to the top of the pile! I've been frothing at the mouth to catch you guys live for years now! I totally missed the boat when you played NearFEST too :( And that is only like a 2 hour drive for me. I just had no idea.

No doubt that Headway will rock! I'm really happy for guys to get a headlining show like that! Its nice that others recognize the talent as well.

I'm sure you have, but since I still work full time, I have to save my time in case anything big pops up for the band. Plus, two tickets to Amsterdam starts to get expensive. I have wanted to go back there for a long time though. I've just always made a point to make it to PP.

Who knows?

You're welcome. Seriously though, thank you and your band fror creating such enjoyable music!

Thanks! I'm looking forward to seeing what the future has in store for us. The new lineup has created a new energy as well as sound. Those guys have been really great to work with too -- and you know how important that is! That is why I drive 150 miles each way to practice!

Take care!
mgirishfan said:
Hiya Rick!

Hey it was fun running into you at the Corn Maze, LOL!!!! Congrats on joining Odin's Court!!! Anywho, I passed on your 'hi' to Dave and he says the same for you! Alas, I won't be there this weekend as I am in NC for a studio workshop. Say hi to Jack for me, LOL! However, Dave and I are both all over seeing you guys in April!!! Hope that show is still on!!! And yep, I know how Jaxx works, so we def would buy the tickets from you. So why not we hook up at lunchtime one day - after all, you're right across the street during the day!


Hey Mare!

Yes, quite a surprise for me too, I might add! And just think, it was you wearing an Enchant shirt at PP that got me talking to you in the first place :-) Are you going to Headway or is that a really stupid question?

Thanks! It has been a wonderful experience thus far! I'm excited about the future with them too.

Cool. And a Happy Birthday is in store for him too!

That's a shame, but I'm sure you will be having fun!

Excellent! Not only will we have more time and practices together, but we are planning on having some brand new material to unveil for that show! I hope it is too. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Excellent! Thanks for the support! It won't be hard getting them to you either. I only have to walk across the street! Yet, we met 500 miles away from home! Now how weird is that!?!?!?

Definitely! We should do that! Did you know Ron from Division works at the same place with me? Where do you usually go? What do you like to eat? I'll be in touch.

See ya!
I frequent the Perpetual Motion boards. A lot of people have lobbied over the years to get Enchant on the bill. Unfortunately, the emphasis seems to be on Power and not Prog. Don't quote me, but I think Glenn himself has said that Enchant is not heavy enough. Apparently, the organizers think that they can't draw enough ticket buyers with the proggier, less hardcore bands. Every year it seems the bands get harder and harder with more death metal bands than prog metal bands. I think it sucks, but I don't think it's going to change. They argue that there are plenty of other festivals like NEAR Fest, etc. for the proggier bands. :erk:
DrX2112 said:
I frequent the Perpetual Motion boards. A lot of people have lobbied over the years to get Enchant on the bill. Unfortunately, the emphasis seems to be on Power and not Prog. Don't quote me, but I think Glenn himself has said that Enchant is not heavy enough. Apparently, the organizers think that they can't draw enough ticket buyers with the proggier, less hardcore bands. Every year it seems the bands get harder and harder with more death metal bands than prog metal bands. I think it sucks, but I don't think it's going to change. They argue that there are plenty of other festivals like NEAR Fest, etc. for the proggier bands. :erk:

You know, just from the impression I get after going to PP for three years, I can kinda believe this if this is true... but come on.... if he is not gonna have true variety.....
this year he's having Orphaned Land and Pink Cream 69 - nothing against the fans or chops of either bands but looking at the music itself for both bands, C'MON - Enchant can and should play this festival. People there wear Enchant shirts - Enchant shows up on folks 'wish list' every year. If you can have a band like Pain of Salvation play TWICE (last time it was literally the Red Sea effect - a dedicated group of hard core fans rushed the stage to get good floor spots..... and the REST of the attendees headed outside to meet other bands and get beer (ie - headed for the hills).... POS are a 'strange animal' group (love em or hate em) that does not instantly have say a 98% all attendees love them rating..... and they have played twice....)

If Glenn can have ARK play PP2, Enchant can play PP. What about that Dan Swano guy who played PP2?(Nightengale?..)..... And don't mention the ungainly CHEESINESS of Edguy :yuk: (shiver).......

Oy.... don't get me started.... it took a lot for me to step down off my PROMOTE ENCHANT for PROG POWER soap box months back and now I am stepping back up there.... :loco: :tickled:

I do love Prog Power because I have had great times (every time) attending, met some amazing people, and seen some great bands. (Brainstorm and Dreamscape ripped my FACE off last year...) I just wish an amazing band like Enchant would be given their due at what has become the premier american festival for music like this, is all.
You don't have to convince me. I forgot that they just announced PC69 the other day. They're about as AOR as you can get...far from prog or power. I've never been to PP myself so I don't know who attends, but it seems like a lot of people from Perpetual Motion attend. And I would say there is a lot more discussion of Enchant on the boards than PC69. Maybe someone in the PP organization doesn't care for Enchant and nothing will ever change their mind. Oh, well. :err:
DrX2112 said:
You don't have to convince me. I forgot that they just announced PC69 the other day. They're about as AOR as you can get...far from prog or power. I've never been to PP myself so I don't know who attends, but it seems like a lot of people from Perpetual Motion attend. And I would say there is a lot more discussion of Enchant on the boards than PC69. Maybe someone in the PP organization doesn't care for Enchant and nothing will ever change their mind. Oh, well. :err:

Damn - I'll have to check out that board..... remember that site from years ago but haven;t been there in AGES.....