End of Level Boss – Inside the Difference Engine

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
End of Level Boss – Inside the Difference Engine
Exile on Mainstream – 27 May 2007
by Ryan Starr


I had a hard time deciding how to review this. My problem is I can’t really decide if this is stoner metal or just really heavy grunge. It feels more like a heavy Alice in Chains or Soundgarden and not a sub genre of doom. Vocalist Heck Armstrong sounds remarkably similar to Layne Staley and the riffs could have come straight out of Seattle. But every once in a while they throw in a time change, just to make it interesting. Or at least that was their goal.

Whatever it is, it just isn’t for me, and I don’t really know why. By track three I’ve completely lost interest, and I’m just waiting for the CD to end. I like doom, and other forms of minimalist metal, but for some reason I just can’t connect with Inside the Difference Engine. But everything sounds solid. The production is good and I can’t find any technical weaknesses in the music. So if this heavy grunge style appeals to you, check it out. But if you’re expecting something similar to Yob, you may want to look elsewhere.

Official End of Level Boss Website
Official Exile on Mainstream Website
That would be a cool video game metal band name... that's actually what I thought this was when I popped in... such a waste of a good name in that context! :p Great review, really informative, I'm not really interested in minimalistic heavy grunge so I'm gonna pass. Cheers. :)