Ending Credits tab


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Yeah so I think I did exceedingly well, considering this is my first tab... it's majorly correct, I know the chorus and verse are most spot on, however I think the first 2 bars of the harmony guitar on the second verse really fucked me up.. those were hard to transcribe and I'm almost SURE that's wrong, haha... so anyone that could help out with that, please do so. Oh and btw it's only the lead, you figure out the chords yourselves :).

Anyways, enjoy... great song, easy to play :tickled:

Artist: Opeth
Song: Ending Credits

Transcribed by: Ermin H (cyanidix@hotmail.com)
~ = Vibrato
h = Hammer-on
p = Pull-off
/ = Slide to
t = || Before note= Tap || After note= Tremelo pick ||
* = Artificial Harmonic
\/ = Whammy bar
< = Fade in with Volume Knob
> = Fade out with Volume Knob

Note: Where 2 bars are joined, it's assumed that 2 guitars are playing simultaneously.





2nd Verse
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Song Structure:
Chorus x2
Last bar of verse again
Chorus x2
2nd verse
Last bar of 2nd verse over until fadeout
Ah shit, I just realized how shitty the actual tab came out when I posted it here... alright well hold on people, I mailed the actual thing over to Nebularus, so hopefully we'll see that up on darkwood soon.