

Pro Evolution Fucker
Apr 18, 2006
Basque Country
Is anyone in this forum endorsed by guitar/amp/picks/condoms or whatever company?

I've allways wonder what requeriments do companies ask to endorse bands or musicians. Sales of the album? Live audiences?
Do they knock at your door or is the artist who send a CV?
Robin Guitars....
then I had a small German ampbuilder build my signature preamp...

...been offered a blackstar endorsement but refused

I know, I'm a whore :)
but I'm really loving all that stuff and am using it regularily....especially my Peaveys (oh how much I love them)
Robin Guitars....
then I had a small German ampbuilder build my signature preamp...

...been offered a blackstar endorsement but refused

I know, I'm a whore :)
but I'm really loving all that stuff and am using it regularily....especially my Peaveys (oh how much I love them)

Yes, you are a whore. And we hate you.
But you didn't answer any of my questions.

Are you totally endorsed, or partial, I mean everything for free or only discounts?
Lasse, but you didn't answer his question!!!! :D

Jevil: it all depends on the company. 90% of all endorsements are just a reduction in price anyway. At least with guitars/amps/drums. I've never endorsed any picks or cables or strings, so I couldn't say, but most of the appeal for the company is public visibility (which you and your successful joke project should easily qualify for!). Public visibility could mean anything these days.
Every company has different requirements...the most common one I find is sending a log of shows you play (usually has to be around 180 per year). Some deal with CD sales, some labels just have connections for hot artists. My good friends are endorsed by all the top guitar, amp, and drum companies out there and they tour their asses off, sell a good amount of records, and have been on MTV2. Consider those some requirements to get a nice FREE Ibanez and Mesa endorsement ;-)
Are you totally endorsed, or partial, I mean everything for free or only discounts?

both, with some companies I've got the "A" endorsement, means I got some stuff for free (Amps).
Others offered me an artist deal (like 50% of the price or so).
some of them approached me,others I've contacted myself.

H&K for example called me last week and asked me to record the official Coreblade samples for their page and also wanted me to create "LAsse LAmmert" presets for the amp for people to download etc (programmable amp)....part of the deal was an endorsement for example.
¯\(°_o)/¯ how do get endorsement!?
not that i think that i can get it, just wondering what the "deal" is :)
The bottom line I think is public visability. Ie. Playing shows, having albums out. What they want is to know that their product sales are benefiting from your endorsement. But that isn't the only criteria, like much of the music industry it is about knowing and talking to the right people.

But having the attitude of doing it for the cheap gear is not the right approach and I think artist relations can smell that. It is a relationship that should benefit both of you.
I have Jackson/Charvel, Mesa Boogie, Krank, and Dimarzio. As stated before it all comes down to how much you can help them with advertisement and whatnot. It also helps when you genuinely love the companies you work with. I don't like the idea of having endorsements just to have them ya know?
im not endorsed but my buddies band is endorsed my Jagermeister

its a prety sweet deal basically they just whore themselves out theyve got jager logos on fukin everything but the company pays for it all they got a shit ton of their merch just with the jager logo on the back, a new banner that says jager music in the corner a bunch of picks and best of all the sent them a jager cooling machine and they get about four bottles a month for free.

All they did was send some live footage and an email hyping themselves up telling them plans for their tour and what not and a couple weeks later they got endorsed.
im not endorsed but my buddies band is endorsed my Jagermeister

its a prety sweet deal basically they just whore themselves out theyve got jager logos on fukin everything but the company pays for it all they got a shit ton of their merch just with the jager logo on the back, a new banner that says jager music in the corner a bunch of picks and best of all the sent them a jager cooling machine and they get about four bottles a month for free.

All they did was send some live footage and an email hyping themselves up telling them plans for their tour and what not and a couple weeks later they got endorsed.

Dude this is badass. I want a Jagerator so fucking badly. I already wear a Jager lanyard around everywhere, I'd be so down to have their logo in places like picks, banners, etc...
(usually has to be around 180 per year)

You gotta be kidding me? If you play one gig a day, thats like atleast half of the year on the road. There is maybe 6 finnish bands that play that many shows a year :Smug: I know that Ancara is endorsed by Schecter, Crate and Skull strings and the other guitarist is endorsed by Marshall, but Ancara has played only 109 gigs so far in 2003-2009.
My band is by no means a big band nationally (heck even regionally), but we've been able to snag a few deals. Most have been artist pricing, which is *generally* around 50-60% off MSRP (so only about 20-40% less than street price). I got a "full" endorsement through an amp company that initially gave me 2 4x12's and an amp head, along with an 8x10 for our bass player, and from then on, it's strictly top tier artist pricing. I've also got artist pricing from 2 other amp companies, but in the end did not choose to buy (either due to money or just didn't dig the tone). I've got a string deal where I get strings for around 2-3 bucks a set, roughly half of store cost. Our drummer has a deal with a sorta well known percussion company and he uses their double kick pedal. Our bass player has some artist pricing deals and working relationships with a couple places...

For us, it was a matter of luck and shows. We got an artist pricing deal through the US distributor of Warwick and Framus a few years back (which I think Warwick now has it's own US distro) simply because our debut show was as support for Lamb of God, Unearth and All that Remains. Our bass player knew 'wick was coming out a dual humbucking version of the corvette (the double buck), and emailed the distro asking about release times for this bass, and dropped that we were playing this show (he wanted to have the bass in time to use it that night)....Their reply was "we want as many of our products on stage that night as we can get, so here is a discount", and shipped him a pre-release version of the bass (I think it came out a month or two later). He ended up buying a second one (he has since sold both and uses ESP's now).

Since then, we've always tried to market ourselves to promoters and booking agents as "the" viable local supporter for big shows, and have been lucky enough to play a number of national shows which helped us in other deals. For our "full" endorsement, it was simply because the owner said he dug what we did and wanted to support us...And, I dig their stuff, too, so it worked out!

I think a lot of dudes get caught up in the endorsement game and go about just throwing press kits at every single company they can and just hope one bites. At times I get the urge to do this (whether or not I deserve anything), and I have submitted to the bigger brands I truly, truly like (and been denied). But in the end it comes down to what products you believe in...And, in a sense, it's kinda wierd because the stuff I dig I'd buy regardless, but it would be kinda cool to be designated as an official "hey, I dig this gear" guy!

as for Jager, we've played a few Jager shows/tours and have submitted to be a Jager band. I don't think it's too hard to do, something like 6 shows a month is a minimum requirement. I think what they do in return is a bit different for different levels. On the local level, it's usually just a shipment of Jager branded shot glasses and stickers, etc. That seems to be the thing locals around here get.