ENGL Blackmore - Master of Puppets clip


Apr 5, 2006
Hey guys.

Tried making my first clip there at the weekend using impulses. It worked pretty damn good actually, considering i could record the Blackmore on stand-by and not deafen anyone :lol:

Anyway. This was my first attempt really at recording. Its sounds ok to me but there is still a bit of "fizz" on the guitar sound. How do i get it to sound real "glassy" if that makes any sense.

I did nothing really to this track. Just copied and pasted it and panned one left and one right. Any eq-ing i did seemed to make it sound worse.

(The clip is short because i only have trial thing to convert wav to mp3 so it only did the first bit)


Thanks for any help guys
instead of copy/pasting you could just turn it up 3 dB.

there's no substitute for doubletracking (PLAYING twice)....
everything else will either do nothing or bring you into phaseing-hell....
Sounds very grainy here. I wouldn't call the tone crap, but it's not great in any way either.

Cheers. Yeah, its very grainy alright. I cant seem to get that really clear sound that some people can get. How the hell do ye all do that :erk:

It was my first attempt with impulses and i was impressed enough. It was great to be able to record with the amp still on stand-by but there is something still not right. Messing with the eq afterwards didnt get rid of that "hair" on the sound. Anyone have any suggestions ?
instead of copy/pasting you could just turn it up 3 dB.

there's no substitute for doubletracking (PLAYING twice)....
everything else will either do nothing or bring you into phaseing-hell....

Thanks. I often just copy and paste on quick clips because im too lazy. But i'll definatly try double tracking it with a different guitar and maybe using the marshall on the other side instead of the ENGL again. Even when i just had the one track though, it still wasnt the clearest recording
Thanks. I often just copy and paste on quick clips because im too lazy. But i'll definatly try double tracking it with a different guitar and maybe using the marshall on the other side instead of the ENGL again. Even when i just had the one track though, it still wasnt the clearest recording

other amp is good, other git not neccessarily (intonation problems may occur).
Multilayering will reduce some of the fizz, I'd even try 4 tracks (2 left, 2 right)

I don't think it sounds bad at all, just use less distortion and 4track it....should be fine then.
other amp is good, other git not neccessarily (intonation problems may occur).
Multilayering will reduce some of the fizz, I'd even try 4 tracks (2 left, 2 right)

Cheers for the advice. I'll definatly try that. I just want to mess around doing any old song first to try to get a good guitar sound. I can never seem to get a great sound recorded. It always seems to have that same undefined characterisitc. Its never as clear as lots of the recordings i hear here. Hopefully double-tracking with a diffrent amp will help.

I think the gain was only on about 4 on channel 4 too. I could try lowering it though