ENGL e530 question. Insane high noise on dist channel....


Jun 26, 2007
Hi guys! Got myself a ENGL e530 a while ago and it sound awesome BUT the high gain channel have so much noise and bzzzz that I can even hear it in the tone it self. I don't think it should be like this or are they so noisy ?

Anyone that own one that can tell me how their works ... And could it be the tubes that need to be replaced or something like that ?

I'm confused cause I have hard to believe it should be this noisy....
Thanks in advance!
I have it in our rehearsal right now but next time I go there I will record it both when I play and also in "silence" so you can hear it. I hope I can do it fast but it could take a week or so!
I have it in our rehearsal right now but next time I go there I will record it both when I play and also in "silence" so you can hear it. I hope I can do it fast but it could take a week or so!

Sounds suspiciously like bad preamp tubes, whack a couple of JJ's in there.
Most likely bad/microphonic tubes, possibly a bad cable or input. The E530 has a front and a back input - try both with different cables. Also, make sure that it's not sitting near a CRT monitor, cell phone, or other source of interference. It's very susceptible to interference and bad AC power, just like any tube amp.

If none of that is the issue, then swap the tubes out for another set.
Thanks for all inputs guys. I tried it all first time except replacing the tubes. Will get a pair of new. Is JJ the best or are there other brands that give very different sound ?

Are there also transistors in the dist that could be bad or damaged?

I will drop a line again as soon I get hold on a pair of new tubes.
Thanks for all inputs guys. I tried it all first time except replacing the tubes. Will get a pair of new. Is JJ the best or are there other brands that give very different sound ?

Are there also transistors in the dist that could be bad or damaged?

I will drop a line again as soon I get hold on a pair of new tubes.

From what I can gather ENGLs are pretty bright, and JJs are pretty dark, so they balance each other out nicely. I run JJs in my Blackmore as well.