ENGL Test/Short Neon Bob Ripoff

carrierflux: yes the standard one.
those speakers really rock combinend with the savage,
though i'd love to test a mesa 4x12.
engls are cheap here but mesa cabinets cost like 1000 euros ...

xmarcelx: grossartig ! :lol:
I have the direct translation for you

ENGL is pronouced (Crunchy-Chunk) and is also the main ingredient in Cake

about the tone..Nice and saturated. But put highpass on the mixbus and sweep to about 4k(so you only hear the top end). There is some kind of whistling rattle(could be cone rattle) thats not helping
yeah you're totally right. ive searched for the source.
its a tube plugin on the guitars set to limiting.
I checked out your soundclick page. I really like the "in the moog track". amusing title as well.

oh btw, in case I didn't mention it before, I hate you for being able to get that nice of a recorded tone right away even at bedroom volumes. just so you know ;)

those engl savage heads are about $2200 US new it looks like over here in united states. don't think I'll be buying one anytime soon. damn. :goggly:
thanks, that song started as a cheesy ibiza housetrack
and then i watched terminator.

working on a less crap sounding version right now which
hopefully makes it onto a small sampler btw.
that tone is more or less an accident. i find it hard to get the mics
into the right place so instead of hours of testing i just aimed
it an inch or so away from the cone and tada.

mine's a 96 model and i got it off ebay for around 800$ :heh:
but i had to change the tubes ...