Enhanced CDs


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Does anybody ever watch the CD-ROM content? I think I've watched one, and that's only because it popped up when I wanted to listen to it through my computer. Oh I also watched all the 'N Crugu Bradului stuff, that was really well done.

Good ones? Bad ones? Worth it? Pointless?
I never do really. I don't know why. I'm keen to see the stuff on Melechesh's Sphynx I suppose.

Yeah that NB video was alright. What CD is that on anyway? That's an unreleased track isn't it?

EDIT: Oh I just noticed - 'N Crugu Bradului has enhanced CD stuff??

I hate listening to CDs on the computer, so that's probably why they stay near my hi-fi stereo, not in my CD Rom drive.
I also very rarely listen to CDs on the computer, and I can't think of any case where I viewed the content on an henaced CD more than once, though there are definitely some cool ones (Terria & Lightbulb Sun special editions, that one series of Maiden remasters, etc.)
'N Crugu is enhanced?

I just got the Antaeus "Cut Your Flesh and Worship Satan" re-issue and watched the videos on it.

And I've watched the Darkthrone interviews on the re-issues.
JayKeeley said:
EDIT: Oh I just noticed - 'N Crugu Bradului has enhanced CD stuff??
It has the video for "Vazduh", one of NB's best songs ever.

I usually watch mine at least once, often if there are videos I copy them to hard drive for later viewage. If they do fancy programs and shit it will not work because I run Linux, so fuck 'em.
I've had enhanced CDs which were an awesome plus and some which were completely a waste of time.

one thing I really resent is that Century Media has put out a special/enhanced edition of Lacuna Coil's Comalies months after the initial regular issue...if they had been issued at the same time, I would have bought the special edition for the videos and bonus tracks right off the bat; now to get those "bonuses", I've gotta buy the second one when I already own the first. I've read about more mainstream companies pulling stunts like this but this is the first time I've seen this from a metal band I like.
I originaly just dowloaded "Vazduh" off the site, I didnt even know it was on that CD. I think its a great video especially considering the low budget that NB probably had. And of course its an awesome song too.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
I originaly just dowloaded "Vazduh" off the site, I didnt even know it was on that CD.
Same here. I actually first heard "Vazduh" on the Better Undead than Alive compilation from code666. Great track, nice video, had no idea 'N Crugu Bradului was an enhanced CD....
I never watch that stuff. I prefer just having the original, regular edition of a CD, which is usually standard jewel case. I hate those bulky 2CD releases (new Fear Factory; "Viking Edition" of Versus the World) because they don't fit in my CD holder.
lizard said:
I've read about more mainstream companies pulling stunts like this but this is the first time I've seen this from a metal band I like.
I thought you said you liked Opeth? "Blackwater Park" was reissued with two acoustic bonus tracks less than a year after the original release.

BTW, CM had some sort of deal where you could send in your original "Comalies" CD and get the new one instead for a reduced price or something. I dunno if you've seen it.
J. said:
I never watch that stuff. I prefer just having the original, regular edition of a CD, which is usually standard jewel case. I hate those bulky 2CD releases (new Fear Factory; "Viking Edition" of Versus the World) because they don't fit in my CD holder.
Wait a minute...a 2CD jewel case isn't the same size as a regular jewel case? I never knew that....
That's Nuclear Blast's and Century Media's specialty. Repackaging (and ruining) releases.

Candlelight is in this business too, what with the "logo embo$$ed tins" of some Opeth albums.
lizard said:
one thing I really resent is that Century Media has put out a special/enhanced edition of Lacuna Coil's Comalies months after the initial regular issue....
To add insult to injury, they even labelled the re-release as the "OzzFest Edition". I think they did the same with Dimmu Borgir. Sharon Osbourne gets a cut on all the re-releases sold no doubt -- either that, or a lump sum for use of the "OzzFest" trademark.
JayKeeley said:
Wait a minute...a 2CD jewel case isn't the same size as a regular jewel case? I never knew that....
Not those two. Archetype with the bonus DVD is a huge monstrosity.

Versus the World 2CD was released in a standard jewel case and a huge digipak edition.
J. said:
Versus the World 2CD was released in a standard jewel case and a huge digipak edition.
Oh I didn't even know there was a digipak for that. Still, I'm glad for the second CD at least, especially since it's become my favorite AA release.
Erik said:
I thought you said you liked Opeth? "Blackwater Park" was reissued with two acoustic bonus tracks less than a year after the original release.

BTW, CM had some sort of deal where you could send in your original "Comalies" CD and get the new one instead for a reduced price or something. I dunno if you've seen it.
did not know that but you can fill a very large hole with the things I don't know...:)

I like opeth okay but I'm not a huge fan, although I thought Damnation was great. no surprise there because I'm a big porcupine tree fan.
Nad, did you not watch the scald one?
interesting thread actually
I put a shitload of work into that presentation
obviously its not as important as the 'album' itself and it won't be on a re-release
because the audio sequencing is better without it

but I can understand people not being bothered
its just there for a little extra

I've had a promo of negura bunget for ages and didn't release there wasa video on it till the other day
I was doing the layout for thier interview in metalworks and stuck it on for a listen and it ran on autoplay
nice surprise indeed
very well done

I think most you could take or leave but if they're well done they're a real bonus
you obviously can't be as adventurous as say with a dvd but its still cool
I got the nuerosis dvd version of a sun that never sets a while back
and was a bit disapointed, some of it is fantastic but a lot is slightly under whelming
maybe I was expecting too much?

I also really like nuerosis soveriegn effort
nice imagery in that