Vote: Royal Carnage Top/Latest CDs of 2000s - Round 2

Bracket 1
DARKTHRONE - Sardonic Wrath
AGALLOCH - The Mantle
PRIMORDIAL - The Gathering Wilderness

Bracket 2
MOONSORROW - Verisakeet
IRON MAIDEN - Dance of Death

Bracket 3
DESTROYER 666 - Cold Steel...For an Iron Age
AMON AMARTH - Fate of Norns

Bracket 4
BRUCE DICKINSON - Tyranny of Souls
BATHORY - Norland II
[/B]Bracket 1
DARKTHRONE - Sardonic Wrath
EMPYRIUM - Weiland
NEUROSIS - Eye of Every Storm
TOOL - Lateralus

Bracket 2
MOONSORROW - Verisakeet
IRON MAIDEN - Dance of Death

Bracket 3
DESTROYER 666 - Cold Steel...For an Iron Age
AMON AMARTH - Fate of Norns
NEVERMORE - This Godless Endeavor

Bracket 4
BRUCE DICKINSON - Tyranny of Souls
SLOUGH FEG - Atatvism
ISIS - Panopticon
Bracket 1
NOVEMBERS DOOM - Pale Haunt Departure
EMPYRIUM - Weiland
AGALLOCH - The Mantle vs. NEUROSIS - Eye of Every Storm (need to hear more of the neurosis)
TOOL - Lateralus (that was way too hard)

Bracket 2
MOONSORROW - Verisakeet
ANATHEMA - A Natural Disaster vs. ORPHANED LAND - Mabool
MAR DE GRISES - The Tatterdemalion Express
IRON MAIDEN - Dance of Death vs. NAGLFAR - Pariah (blah!)

Bracket 3
DESTROYER 666 - Cold Steel...For an Iron Age
KING DIAMOND - The Puppet Master
NEVERMORE - This Godless Endeavor

Bracket 4
BRUCE DICKINSON - Tyranny of Souls vs. TOWNSEND, DEVIN - Accelerated Evolution
SLOUGH FEG - Atatvism
GRAVELAND - Fire Chariot of Destruction vs. MELECHESH - Sphynx
NEGURA BUNGET - 'N Crugu Bradului
Bracket 1
DARKTHRONE - Sardonic Wrath
MASTODON - Leviathan
AGALLOCH - The Mantle
TOOL - Lateralus

Bracket 2
BLUT AUS NORD - The Work Which Transforms God vs. MOONSORROW - Verisakeet (have not heard a note of either)
ANATHEMA - A Natural Disaster
IRON MAIDEN - Dance of Death

Bracket 3
OPETH - Ghost Reveries
AMON AMARTH - Fate of Norns
THE CHASM - Spell of Retribution
NEVERMORE - This Godless Endeavor

Bracket 4
TOWNSEND, DEVIN - Accelerated Evolution
BATHORY - Norland II
NEGURA BUNGET - 'N Crugu Bradului
Bracket 1
NOVEMBERS DOOM - Pale Haunt Departure
MASTODON - Leviathan
AGALLOCH - The Mantle
TOOL - Lateralus

Bracket 2
BLUT AUS NORD - The Work Which Transforms God
IRON MAIDEN - Dance of Death

Bracket 3
DESTROYER 666 - Cold Steel...For an Iron Age
THE CHASM - Spell of Retribution
NEVERMORE - This Godless Endeavor

Bracket 4
BRUCE DICKINSON - Tyranny of Souls
SLOUGH FEG - Atatvism
ISIS - Panopticon
Bracket 1
NOVEMBERS DOOM - Pale Haunt Departure
EMPYRIUM - Weiland
NEUROSIS - Eye of Every Storm
TOOL - Lateralus

Bracket 2
BLUT AUS NORD - The Work Which Transforms God

Bracket 3
OPETH - Ghost Reveries
NEVERMORE - This Godless Endeavor

Bracket 4
BRUCE DICKINSON - Tyranny of Souls
ISIS - Panopticon
OK Bracket 1 Results are in.

Darkthrone 13 Novembers Doom 14 CLOSE!
Empyrium 21 Madstodon 8 Not even close!
Agalloch 28 Neurosis 5 Bitch slap
Tool 18 Primordial 15 SHOCK DEFEAT!!!!

Primordial are out already...!
Bracket 2 surprises here

Blut Aus Nord 13 Moonsorrow 16
Anathema 7 Orphaned Land 16
Enslaved 19 Mar de Grises 11
Iron Maiden 15 Naglfar 7
JayKeeley said:
Zod -- have you actually even listened to your store bought copy of Hammers of Misfortune? You're actually torn between that and The Chasm, the band you ignored at HC? :loco:
Yep and yep. I like one song on each disc. Why didn't you vote for the disc you felt had one of the best songs of the year? "Character" is average at best, with nothing that stands out.

DESTROYER 666 - Cold Steel...For an Iron Age (22) over OPETH - Ghost Reveries (6)
AMON AMARTH - Fate of Norns (17) over KING DIAMOND - The Puppet Master (9)
HAMMERS OF MISFORTUNE - The August Engine (16) over THE CHASM - Spell of Retribution (10)
NEVERMORE - This Godless Endeavor (17) over DARK TRANQUILITY - Character (9)

I do love 2 songs on Godless but the rest I could leave almost entirely, whereas Character was consistently average-at-best, and so it became a question of which album I disliked the least.
If it was Rwake v. Primordial I would've probably voted for Rwake, just because of all the Nemtheangnaga knob slobbery that goes on around here.

JayK:Ulver : NAD:Primordial