Vote: Royal Carnage 2006 March Madness - Round 2

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Heaven & Hell >>>>>>>> Mob Rules. As for how the debut fits in the Sabbath pantheon, it's my least favorite of the classic six, but still absolutely essential. As I've stated many times, Black Sabbath (the song) = the birth of metal, everything that came before wasn't fully formed yet.
Yeah Max I love Sabbath's s/t. Also the subsequent 4 albums, never bought any after that! I love "Symptom of the Universe" and the other songs I've heard... even some of the ones from the later albums with Ozzy.
Let's get a few things straight here, some absurdity going on.

First of all, Tony Iommi turned into Ritchie Blackmore on Heaven and Hell etc, so I'm not sure how anyone can dismiss the sound he made his own on the Ozzy era albums. Yeah H&H is great, but come on, Sabbath Bloody Sabbath.


All eyes see the figure of the wizard
As he climbs to the top of the world
No sound as he falls instead of rising
Time standing still
Then there's blood on the sand

That is all. :kickass:
Just to clear a few things up:

I like Drudkh a lot, I just feel they are thought of far too highly by far too many and don't compare to DsO's magic, but that is of course only my opinion.

I like Black Sabbath, I even listen to Iron Maiden sometimes, that just simply is not the point and only Demonspell and BWD have enough sense to realize that and have a competent discussion. The rest of you must totally fail at real life communication with all your one-liners and attacks, not to mention total misunderstandings. All I'm trying to do here is get an answer to this: Why does it seem like the older a band is, the more untouchable it is? I agree that innovation and influence are a huge deal, I guess I've just failed to see how that plays a part in this tournament, though I guess we all just vote in our own way. I've just been rather surprised by the sheer blowouts these bands are putting on and I'm only trying to figure out how much of that has to do with the "it's fucking priest man" standpoint or if people REALLY, HONESTLY like the music that much. A simple point that only one person has answered in some way. Jesus fucking christ.:lol:

I almost made a comment about the "people who listen to NAD music" here being the exception, but for some reason chose not to. I get that some people are traditional and I see even some of those people experimenting with modern music here, I just see FAR too much dismissal of music here too. Whenever a Top whatever list comes up, or a tournament like this, it's always the "OMG BATHORY" people that have great taste and I just find it absurd. Not that I don't like Bathory (since that's obviously what you people would interpret that statement as) I just think it shows people "living in the fuckin' past" around here and after years it gets monotonous.

Now, since you people totally fail at reading comprehension and social skills, you can interpret this as another attack on your favorite bands and flame me. Yes, the first post was trolling, but I've put forth some good points that any community outside of the metal world wouldn't flip out about. Or, you can just go back to discussing BLACK FUCKING SABBATH and ignore this totally as I suspect you will do.
Opeth17 said:
I've put forth some good points that any community outside of the metal world wouldn't flip out about.
so? all that tells me is that "any community outside the metal world" doesn't know the first fucking thing about metal, which shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone
Not really what I meant. I mean that if I proposed a question about Pink Floyd and Tool to an alternative rock community or something (maybe a bad example) I wouldn't get the same sort of completely unreasonable answers I have from posing the same sort of question to metalheads about metal bands.
It's simple. They're IRON FUCKING MAIDEN and that's really all the explanation that's needed.

I most certainly *DO* love them as much as it seems, or whatever it is you were trying to say. TO ME - which really, is the only voting parameter I give a flying fuck about - there is NO band that even remotely compares.

Since you're clearly better at reading comprehension than the rest of us, tell me, is my explanation fucking clear enough for you? :cool:
Erik said:
are you quite fucking sure about that

Yes, I am.

It's simple. They're IRON FUCKING MAIDEN and that's really all the explanation that's needed.

The second part of your post explained what I want to know. If you really enjoy them that much then that's cool. The sentence above is what prompted me to ask. There is too much of "ITS ___________ FUCKING __________" around here to ever tell whether people are saying that because of their influence or simply the music itself. For example, with Black Sabbath, that could easily be translated either way and then applied to why the votes are being cast in such a manner and I only want to have that cleared up. I guess to me, just because a band is legendary doesn't mean they make the absolute best music possible.
Opeth17, you just dismissed almost any argument made against you as defensive of "older" bands, which isn't remotely true of many of the posts up there, so you can take your superiority complex and all of your reading comprehension skills and put them you-know-where :loco:

Opeth17 said:
For example, with Black Sabbath, that could easily be translated either way and then applied to why the votes are being cast in such a manner and I only want to have that cleared up. I guess to me, just because a band is legendary doesn't mean they make the absolute best music possible.

Can't it be both? Also, this thing was established with a clear lack of parameters for deciding which band to vote for, so lets try not to exclude some reasons just because we might disagree with them.
I used to browse alternative rock websites , people are just as dumb as the average metalhead and I'm not even talking of their opinion on "Metal" or other form of music :Puke: (tolerance etc..)
But its important to remember that those people who value entertainment or particular sounds from past times shouldn't have to be looked down on for that choice, it's just a matter of taste, yes?
Bah, the only mistake I made was starting off with a tongue in cheek post that in no way did justice to the point I wanted to make. At least, I'll admit that. The problem is that there was a lot of misinterpretation of what I've said later because of that and everyone reacted like I would have when I was fucking 14. Sorry if I sound a little bit like a prick, but perhaps it's justified by the fact that everyone else has been too.

Demilich is right about there not being any guidelines for voting, but perhaps that would take some of the fun out of it.

Dev: See what I mean about taking things literally!:lol: Just kidding, I knew that was probably a shitty example when I wrote it, but this isn't the only type of music I listen to and I know that not everyone feels so defensive as metalheads.
I just don't think its fair - within reason, within a commonity of supposed equals - to go about questioning peoples justifications for choosing the votes they did, even if the ensuing results aren't what you expected or want to believe would constitute respectable results. If I misunderstand anything you say, then what I just outlined isn't a problem at all, and thus I'm fine.
Demilich said:
But its important to remember that those people who value entertainment or particular sounds from past times shouldn't have to be looked down on for that choice, it's just a matter of taste, yes?

Some people like entertainment. Some people like art.
And the sky is blue. And this is an internet forum...

Seriously, if we were playing quote-and-summarize the post, someone should have told me earlier! :loco:
No, no, people can vote however the hell they want to. I'm just interested in how people came to that conclusion. Don't really care how the votes actually turn out. I mean, I don't think it is offensive to ask people to say why they voted for so and so, I'll gladly explain all of my votes, I just wasn't able to go about it in the right way because of my first post. So, my bad on that one.
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