Vote: Royal Carnage 2006 March Madness - Round 2

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Opeth17 said:
I'm also surprised how much respect wimp rock acts (OMFG!) like Judas Priest and Iron Maiden get from the extreme metal community. I just can't see all these fellows listening to "Run to the Hills".:lol: :lol: :lol:

Dude you are retarded, sorry.

Wimp Rock = Opeth.

Heavy Fucking Metal = Priest and Maiden.
While I disagree with Opeth17 about Drudkh (because the new album fucking rules), he will forever remain on my kool-list because he realizes the genius of Vintersorg.
wow, i can't believe the stupid crap that just flowed out of Opeth17's mouth. Gugs might as well have shit in there first.

I do get my jolly's listening to old metallica, priest and maiden.

I'm not so much a fan of sabbath. I'm also not much of a hammers fan. But I love drudkh and DsO.

Also, we're a community of metalheads. We listen to a wide variety (not all of it metal) and we recommend shit to each other, so of course we'll like similar bands. Also, don't forget, the bands in this list were nominated by FORUM MEMBERS. Gee golly whiz, no wonder it's stuff we all can agree over.

Anyway, if you're done shitting out your mouth, i'd like it if you stopped vandalizing our march madness thread. Thx <3
Was it Demilich who knows the glory of the s/t? I think so... HE KNOWS WHAT'S UP.

The actual song "Black Sabbath" is honestly one of their weaker tracks. Neat and all, but a bit boring. The other four tracks on the CD? Fucking GOLD.
i have the album, i like it, but it's pretty meandering and not all that great songwriting-wise

there's a reason why nearly everyone in the world reveres the subsequent 4 albums over the self titled
IOfTheStorm said:
Tell me you're joking (part two)
This song is the definition of Doom Metal (not that this is really saying something about its quality, but yea)

I like the song and it is the ONLY intro that that album should have. Just my personal feelings about it...
Opeth17 said:
Metalheads are too regressive and this forum is the epitome of it.

I halfway agree with this. But as far as "metal" boards go, this is probably as well-rounded as it gets. Sure, I'd like people here (and in general) to be more open-minded, but what are you gonna do...
By the way, the song "Black Sabbath" is practically the be all end all in terms of doom / atmosphere / melancholy etc. It's all pretty evil.

MFJ - I'm surprised at you young man, especially what with your weed sessions and all.
As far as the regressiveness of metalheads, perhaps. But is it so bad to want to go backwards and see where the current bands got ALL of their ideas and inspiration? I honestly don't see this as a bad thing. There is a reason Bathory is classic and untouchable by any other band. There is a reason BLack Sabbath is hailed as the Kings of Metal (fuck off Manowar).

Their music is timeless. Listen to Bathory and Sabbath or pose.
Volume 4
Master of Reality
Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
Black Sabbath

oh you said 2. only owning 2 Sabs does not compute. must own the Sacred Six. the first two i listed are my favorites
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