Vote: Royal Carnage 2006 March Madness - Sweet 16

Crimson Velvet said:
When one is comparing them on an "importance" level, one has to has to think: Was Judas Priest more important in the seventies and eighties than Ulver was in the nineties. I think the answer is simple, as does anyone who isn't gay.

I don't go by importance though. I go by the fact that Ulver is one of my top 3 bands and Judas Priest isn't.
Which is absolutely fine! :)

Well, not really, but hey! At least you don't claim that Ulver is somehow more important or relevant than Judas Priest! ... or do you?
Never! But personal preference takes precedence over historical relevance, otherwise Sabbath/Metallica/Maiden/Priest would win this, and that's not really necessary because we already know they're some of the most important bands of all time.
Crimson Velvet said:
Exactly. I was merely taking it one step further, because that "living in the past" arguement just doesn't hold water, on any level.

Yes it does, you admitted as much above when you agreed with Decadent. If anybody genuinely wanted to exclude bands from the 90s from this kind of favourite bands poll because all they cared about was historical importance then they would be living in the past because it isn't about time periods or influence or relevance or any of that stuff.
That is if one judges a band's "importance". In which case, the seventies and eighties wins every time. Now let it rest, you have said nothing og interest, you have merely grasped at straws in a vain attempt to find a hole my logic. It is not funny anymore, and it won't work.
Crimson Velvet said:
I said "by your logic", smart guy.

:lol: At what point did I say or infer that the newer band is always better, genius?

A couple points:

1) "Living in the fuckin past" is one of those funnyphrases that originated long ago on this forum.

2) I say "Bergtatt" is a work of art and that Priest never made a work of art. What is the distinction between what's a work of art and what is not? Oh yeah, it's my OPINION. If I didn't vote based of my INDIVIDUAL OPINION on art/beauty, then I'd be like all you other wankers who automatically vote for the older band.

3) The people have spoken: Ulver beats Priest. :Smug:

Dammit, and I was just laughing at everyone taking this thread seriously.
I am well familiar with that phrase. But you know used it in a context that implied that you somehow thought that people who voted for Judas Priest over Ulver was "living in the past". You then proceded to tell TULLY, who thought that was nonsense, in an ironic tone that we didn't need any bands that weren't from the eighties. I then proceded to say that perhaps we needn't include any bands from the seventies or eighties. Haha, right? Apparently not... Necro Joe then proceded to whine and bitch in a womanly fashion, because he thought this was all meant seriously.

This was perhaps the most stupid and irrelevant arguement that I have involved myself in since I signed up here two years ago...

Have a good day.
Crimson Velvet said:
I am well familiar with that phrase. But you know used it in a context that implied that you somehow thought that people who voted for Judas Priest over Ulver was "living in the past".

If you count humor as a context, then yeah. All of my favorite bands are from the 70s, for fuck's sake!

You then proceded to tell TULLY, who thought that was nonsense, in an ironic tone that we didn't need any bands that weren't from the eighties.

You're not living in the past, you're living in a fantasy world. I never said, nor implied that. Look at the posts. Simply not there.

This was perhaps the most stupid and irrelevant arguement that I have involved myself in since I signed up here two years ago...

And I still don't understand it...

But look, what kind of "conversation" did you expect out of a thread where people's favorite bands get eliminated? Pretty silly
Crimson Velvet said:
Now let it rest, you have said nothing og interest, you have merely grasped at straws in a vain attempt to find a hole my logic. It is not funny anymore, and it won't work.

Your 'logic' is that you misunderstood Dick's post and were so desperate to play 'me too' with Erik and Tully that you had to try and make an argument where there wasn't one, even though you had no pont to make except for some blindingly obvious crap about finding importance though influence. Now your backing away from the argument and calling it stupid because you made a fool of yourself. Either that or you still can't see you're wrong which is just unbelievable really.
*headbangs to Go With the Flow by Queens of the Stone Age*

Hey how come those dudes weren't included in this thingy? Or Sleep? Or Unida? Or Electric Wizard?

Fuck I'm hard now.