Royal Carnage March Madness - Round 1 (Votes Needed)

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next time we do this, we need to leave off bands like Maiden, Bathory, Candlemass, Sabbath, since it's kinda unfair
Nah, people are just voting for the band they prefer to listen to. There's really not much more logic to it than that.

Threads like this don't need parameters and rules when the picks are random. Just vote and go to the next round already.
JayKeeley said:
Nah. I mean, people are voting for the band they prefer to listen to. There's really not much more logic to it than that.

Precisely, it is downright as simple as that. And while you were scoffing at the idea earlier, I will admit that I prefer to listen to Arcturus more than Sabbath, as much as I love and respect what Sabbath has accomplished.

Put it this way, if the criteria was to select the band that has been more influential to the metal scene, or has the biggest following, or sold more records, or sell out larger venues, etc., I mean come on, it would be Sabbath in a landslide of course. And of course there are people, such as yourself recently, who prefer the Sabbathian style of metal over the progressive-avant-garde-black metal whatchamacalit style of metal. Hence, Sabbath gets your vote based on taste. No problem.

As much as I feel Sabbath Bloody Sabbath and especially Sabotage are two of the greatest albums of all time, I feel Aspera Heims Symfonia, La Masquerade Infernale and The Sham Mirrors are right up there for yours truly.

Sabbath actually would get my vote when matched against plenty of other bands, but in this case, not Arcturus.
For shits and giggles I'm going to name all the 10/10 BUY OR DIE releases in this bracketses.

Bracket 1:
Hammers of Misfortune - The August Engine

Bracket 3:
Carcass - Heartwork
MegadeAAAth - Rust in Peace

Bracket 4:
Kayo Dot - Choirs of the Eye

To narrow down which of those four is my favorite would be a difficult task. Two were part of my upbringing, and two others are like my balls (read: extremely important). Hmm. Depends on my mood really, although most likely it would be Megadeth v. Kayo Dot in the Final Battle of the Ages, in Order to Decide What Makes What.
Dark One said:
Put it this way, if the criteria was to select the band that has been more influential to the metal scene, or has the biggest following, or sold more records, or sell out larger venues, etc., I mean come on, it would be Sabbath in a landslide of course.

Well, yeah. Even if you hated the music, you couldn't dispute those facts.

I just make the assumption that people are voting based on who they prefer to listen to.

With that said, you could breakdown that criteria further: (a) do you vote for a band that you can throw on at ANY given moment and ALWAYS be blown away, or (b) have to be in a specific mood to listen to something (once in a blue moon) but when you do, it works wonders and the enjoyment factor is higher than (a).

That makes it even more convoluted, so it's all about gut feel at the end of the day.
JayKeeley said:
With that said, you could breakdown that criteria further: (a) do you vote for a band that you can throw on at ANY given moment and ALWAYS be blown away, or (b) have to be in a specific mood to listen to something (once in a blue moon) but when you do, it works wonders and the enjoyment factor is higher than (a).

Sure, you could break down the criteria like that. I could break it down like this as well - First, the band may not have the power to blow me away with every single listen, but they should at least have blown me away on multiple occasions. Then, does that band have the power to sustain my listening attention practically every time I put them on the speakers, even if they are not "blowing me away" at that moment?

Then of course, you could also break it down like this - what am I more likely to listen to for pleasure on a continual basis, A or B? If the answer is both, see above. :loco:
One Inch Man said:
For shits and giggles I'm going to name all the 10/10 BUY OR DIE releases in this bracketses.

Bracket 1:
Hammers of Misfortune - The August Engine

Bracket 3:
Carcass - Heartwork
MegadeAAAth - Rust in Peace

Bracket 4:
Kayo Dot - Choirs of the Eye

To narrow down which of those four is my favorite would be a difficult task. Two were part of my upbringing, and two others are like my balls (read: extremely important). Hmm. Depends on my mood really, although most likely it would be Megadeth v. Kayo Dot in the Final Battle of the Ages, in Order to Decide What Makes What.

I'll take your Megadeth and Hammers, and raise you two. :loco:

Bruce Dickinson and Empyrium are missing from this thread.

That's all I have to say about that. :hypno:
It's all about gut instinct with stuff like this. Example:

My favorite band in the world is Tool, has been for about 13 years. I listen to them maybe 10 times a year.
One Inch Man said:
It's all about gut instinct with stuff like this. Example:

My favorite band in the world is Tool, has been for about 13 years. I listen to them maybe 10 times a year.

Well yeah. But would people vote based on how often they listen to an album? I fucking hope not! :erk:

"Well, let me see, I listened to Master of Reality 5 times last month, and I listened to The Sham Mirrors 6 times this month, so Arcturus it is". :loco:
JayKeeley said:
Well yeah. But would people vote based on how often they listen to an album? I fucking hope not! :erk:

"Well, let me see, I listened to Master of Reality 5 times last month, and I listened to The Sham Mirrors 6 times this month, so Arcturus it is". :loco:

:lol: I doubt it, I'm sure there are bands out there that people have listened to like 10 times in a row because someone else said how awesome they were, yet they just could not click with you for some reason. Those bands certainly would not enter into my criteria for selection.
JayKeeley said:
Well yeah. But would people vote based on how often they listen to an album? I fucking hope not! :erk:
You didn't see my Top XX Of Right Now thread after you posted in it I take it, people were copying and pasting their Audioscrobbler lists. :loco:

Speaking of finding something, where the hell did the Search Shitz run off to?
What if a CD got stuck in your stereo on loop, and you FUCKING HATED IT!!! :heh: And then, after a while, it started to grind you down into submission where you're brain started to play tricks, and eventually you started to LIKE IT...before you know it, your dementia has led you to believe that this is the GREATEST ALBUM ON EARTH and that it became stuck for a now you have karma to content with. :loco:
Hi, that sorta happened when I had to review Especially Likely Sloth. :loco:

PS: It's my birthday, and I'm getting drunker.

Actually I just poured my first of 1 scotch for the evening, but that's the best SNL skit EVAR so I have to say it, truthfully, once a year. Carry on.
JayKeeley said:
Well yeah. But would people vote based on how often they listen to an album? I fucking hope not! :erk:

"Well, let me see, I listened to Master of Reality 5 times last month, and I listened to The Sham Mirrors 6 times this month, so Arcturus it is". :loco:

Bruce Springsteen is sadly missing from these lists :loco:
JayKeeley said:
Bruce Dickinson and Empyrium are missing from this thread.
Not bad. 110 posts to this thread before someone brought up a band that was left out. I was waiting to see who people thought should have been included.

As for voting criteria, let me say this....

As I alluded to in the original post, this thread was inspired by a similar thread on the PM:X board, started by Ken Luther. When I posted a thread, asking people what logic they were using to cast their votes, Ken said that people should vote however they wanted to, but he thought it made the most sense to vote for bands based on their most recent work. His logic made sense. Since the model for this thread is the NCAA Men's Basketball tournament, he said the winners (of the basketball tourny) aren't the teams who were great 20 years ago. He took it further by pointing out, if we voted completely based on influence and strength of catalogue, than there would be no point in running this tournament more than every 10 years. By voting based on latest release, you have the equivalent of what is an "upset" in the tournament. For instance, for us fans of Power Metal, Angra should rightfully stomp Iron Maiden if they were matched up this year, based on "Dance of Death" and "Temple of Shadows".

As I said, vote how you want. However, I do think the above logic makes the a lot of sense.

Bracket 1:
Black Sabbath
Iron Maiden
Dark Tranquillity

Bracket 2:
Into Eternity
Edge of Sanity
The Lord Weird Slough Feg
Iced Earth

Bracket 3:
Novembers Doom
Blut Aus Nord
Blind Guardian
King Diamond/Merciful Fate

Bracket 4:
Amon Amarth
Judas Priest
Kayo Dot
At the Gates
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