Vote: Royal Carnage 2006 March Madness - Round 2

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Dark One said:
Of course he's joking. Everyone knows how important Load, Reload and St. Anger are to the metal scene.
Good reason for calling them sellouts : "their recent albums are not important to the metal scene"

Dark One said:
Not only that, but for the last 15 years or so, Metallica has made it possible for a wealth of important underground metal bands like Korn and Slipknot to have their days in the sun.
A band's possible "new musical direction" has nothing to do with the commercial prosperity of an other band (especially if the other band has nothing to do with the first band's style, which is the occasion here). Also your sarcastic comment again doesn't say why Metallica are sellouts.

Dark One said:
We also can bow down to Lars Ulrich and James Hetfield, who never let fame, fortune and superstardom change their attitudes towards their fans nor their place in the music scene one bit. They are truly legendz and godz.
First rule of "being a sellout": Do what your fans want, and not what YOU want.

There are no sellouts, just dissapointed fans who bitch a lot
if you don't think there's such a thing as a sellout you're completely fucking deluded and don't know the first fucking thing about the "music business"

i'm not dropping any names but if you seriously honestly think the concept doesn't even exist then i don't even know what the fuck to tell you
wow, this thread is golden.

Sellouts or not (totally sellouts), recent metallica licks the cock. I'm afraid that when all you do is churn out complete bollocks for a decade, you lose the right to iwn shit.

and on the DSO/Drudkh topic... I looked at the weather (usually determines the music I listne to) and had to decide between DSO and Drudkh this morning, LOL. So they aren't that disimilar, but they are both VERY good and deciding between the two is most difficult
IOfTheStorm said:
"The concept of a sellout" is different..and pretty subjective.
the concept of a "sellout" is not subjective, and not open to interpretation. a sellout is someone who takes things like "increasing fanbase" or "making money" into consideration when writing music. the end.
These 2 things you mention are just things that people ASSUME that the band takes into consideration when writing music. They don't KNOW it, they just think that this might be the case. Why they think this might be the case = subjective reasons and way of seeing things = the concept of being a sellout, in the mind of every individual.
IOfTheStorm said:
These 2 things you mention are just things that people ASSUME that the band takes into consideration when writing music. They don't KNOW it, they just think that this might be the case. Why they think this might be the case = subjective reasons and way of seeing things = the concept of being a sellout, in the mind of every individual.

You make a lot of great points in this post and the thread! I mean, I guess there are a few cases (Gene Simmons?) where the artist admits that they're in it for the money, but how often is it that black and white?
yeah, who are we to decide if pussfield went from awesome to suck because because maybe he always sucked but was in denial and has now come out of the closet to openly admit he sucks. rather than for money.

Lars has always sucked.
Conspicuously Absent said:
Lars has always sucked.


You know, I distinctly remember when Lars went "rock and roll". He started wearing white leather jackets etc when they did a double headline tour with Guns n Roses. That was when they seriously got suckered into the whole stardom aspect.

But come on, have you seen Cliff 'em All? It's just a bunch of metal heads drinking beer and listening to NWOBHM.
IOfTheStorm said:
These 2 things you mention are just things that people ASSUME that the band takes into consideration when writing music. They don't KNOW it, they just think that this might be the case. Why they think this might be the case = subjective reasons and way of seeing things = the concept of being a sellout, in the mind of every individual.
sometimes you KNOW it, because sometimes the bands actually SAY so. unless you're getting down to where the word doesn't even have value anymore (i.e. i don't even KNOW that you exist when it all comes down the line)
Opeth17 said:
Drudkh is winning because they just released a new album. Welcome to short attention span theater. They couldn't lick the shit off DsO's boots.

I think there's a lot of trendfaggery going on here too.:lol: All you fucks vote for the same shitty overrated crap that is praised on this forum that you probably wouldn't like if everyone else didn't.

I'm also surprised how much respect wimp rock acts (OMFG!) like Judas Priest and Iron Maiden get from the extreme metal community. I just can't see all these fellows listening to "Run to the Hills".:lol: :lol: :lol:



you wouldn't know controversy if you attended my 3-week long course on how to create it

now just STFU already
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