"Enhanced" earplug thread


Cotton Candy Collector
Mar 31, 2009
Raleigh, NC
Sup guys and gals,

Since we had a super-music-snobby all-opinions-go headphone thread, lets have one for concert earplugs!

1st year at PP I got my ears blasted off the first day and it made the second day less enjoyable, so I mentally noted to bring plugs the next time.

2nd year at PP I used the standard foam twisty earplugs to block some of the sound, but it blocked a good amount of the technical playing and singing, so I found myself taking them out for some of the bands to hear everything in HD.

So does anyone have any recommendations or tried the high end earplugs at concerts? Is the hype warranted? Do these enhance anything? Can you hear other things better, like the person next to you screaming that you stepped on their hair? Has anyone ever berated you at a show for having not being metal enough to damage your hearing?

Here are a few I'm looking into on the 'zon.



I've been using the Etymotic Research ones you listed above for years. I like the newer design as I believe they're a little smaller (or have different sizes) than when they originally came out; the bigger ones would hurt after having them in all day. They are definitely worth the investment. Once your hearing is gone.....it's gone. Be smart and protect it for the long haul.

Here are a couple of older threads you could look at for reference purposes, although obviously there have been newer models since to consider...
Thanks Kings...I thought I had searched before posting, I guess I fail at using the search function. Those are some good threads.
Looks like the overwhelming choice is Etymotics. I will probably end up getting those.
Use the Search and just type in Etymotic....there are some other good "newbie" (not implying you're a n00b, just describing the subject) general threads that also discuss the Etymotics and various opinions/alternatives than just those earplug specific threads.

You don't have to wear them all the time. For some of the prog bands, I may leave them out to catch the nuances of the different dynamics. But, for the heavy bands, it's imperative IMHO....especially at a 10-12 hr per day festival show.
I'm not a fan of those style earplugs. They irritate my ears after a short time, and if you take them out a few times they can be a real pita to put back in. I'd like to get a refund on the $50 pair of "musician plugs" I purchased a few years ago.

I enjoyed my custom plugs. The audiologist fills your ear canal with foam, creating a custom molded set of ear plugs. You can purchase various sound reducing discs that snap into the end of the plug. You can reduce the volume by 5, 10, 20db, even solid plugs that minimize all noise. They worked beautifully, and are the best option for live music I've run across. But your ear canal structure changes over time. After a few years you'll need new molds (though the sound reducing discs will work just fine). Plus, you'll spend a couple hundred on them. But if you're serious, you'll be very pleased.

My recent audiologist recommended the bullet-styled foam plugs. They expand to completely fill the ear canal, which is critical for ensuring proper hearing protection, but they're not irritating like the barrel-styled plugs. I wear bullet plugs all the time (in fact, I'm wearing them right now!). I've found them to be extremely comfortable. They're not quite as awesome as my custom molded plugs, but they do a great job, and are an inexpensive option.

I'd recommend testing out any plugs before purchasing them (if possible). This way you can find ones that suit you the best.
For as often as I need to use earplugs, I also use the Etymotic ones. Reasonable frequency response for the amount of money you spend. Yes, custom earplugs are the way to go if you're serious about it, but for most of us it's not worth the effort.

I have been using the Etymotics one for the last 4 or 5 years and LOVE them
I use Hearoes earplugs. They cost between $15-20 and the sound is definitely clearer with them vs your traditional disposable earplugs.
Despite all the love for Etymotics, I ended up purchasing the V-Moda Faders. I hate to say it, but this was an aesthetic decision... They just look so cool. Also, the V-Moda over ear headphones are out of this world, so hopefully they know what they are doing.
I've heard about the same reviews for the faders than I have for Etymotics, so I'm going on aesthetic appeal. I also wear earbuds all day at work so I am used to the feel of them in my ears; the etys go pretty deep.
I will update with my findings/reviews after the combined around 36 hours of use from PP...