Enslaved - A good choice for ProgPower?

Pelata, that's fair .. I don't fully disagree with that at all, but I don't find Enslaved to be that much of a prog metal band. I find them to be mostly black metal with some pink floyd'ish interludes mixed in. The definition of prog is kind of fuzzy ... to me Opeth is prog band .. while Enslaved is a black/extreme band. One seems to fit the prog power type concept to me while the other one does not. Just my opinion.


Agree fully on this. Opeth is a prog band with death metal influences and Enslaved is a black metal band with prog influences. Slight difference, I suppose.

I also think that Enslaved's most prog albums (the latest two) are their two worst. Great band, but they need to step it back up!
Oh, yeah, I wasn't saying that they need to change their touring methodology for *their* benefit, I meant it for *my* benefit! :lol: I want to see the fruits of a cross-pollination between "metal bands" (Enslaved) and "bands that play metal-like music" (Isis). Bands that have arrived at similar points by navigating rather different paths with different influences and different fanbases. I want to see what happens to a band like Russian Circles when they integrate black metal tremolo riffing and true grimness into their sound.

Sticking with bands like Dimmu and Opeth still plants Enslaved fully within the "metal" scene, and that's boring.


Oh so tour with less true metal bands is what you were trying to say? I agree with that actually. I think they should completely change their image as well to move away from their "true metalness" if you ask me. I was cruising their merch store and I didn't see a single shirt that grabbed my interest. Basically just the album art repackaged onto a t shirt which all true metal bands who don't care for style do. xD
Hell I'd take the actual dumb bm bands (by a mile) over most of the crap that gets passed off as "doom" these days, Jason. ;)
Hell I'd take the actual dumb bm bands (by a mile) over most of the crap that gets passed off as "doom" these days, Jason. ;)

Serious question.
Do you literally mean ALL doom bands, or literally bands you feel truly aren't doom, but are falsely labeled as doom?

As far as my comment to Neil, I wasn't trying to get a rise out of him.
He just made a vast generalization about the genre, considering some top names in the genre which ENSLAVED has toured with.
To the people who think Enslaved is not a good candidate because the festival should largely appease those who listen to bands like Seventh Wonder, etc.

Glenn should not care about you. Now, before I too get banned too for saying that, I'm not saying that you guys don't matter -- you guys buy tickets after all. However, the vast majority of these bands do not sell many records (some may not even have official releases in the States) or could not bring in enough people. Enslaved however does sell records, and does bring in fans. Thus, a hard medium between appeasing you guys (as well as himself of course) and trying to make the festival a financial success is a hard one to reach, but it must be met.

The facts are these: when people got mad over the announcement of this year's line up not having enough Seventh Wonder-ish bands and too many screaming bands/bands that they don't like, Glenn made it abundantly clear that a nice chunk of the longtime fans of the festival had stopped attending over the last few years -- and even had the ticket audits to show for it.

It isn't to say that none of these sorts of bands bands should play ProgPower, because alot of these bands helped define the festival (and not only that, but some of them went on to establish careers because of the festivals that helped bolster the festival alongside it), but something's got to give now. None of these bands that you guys pine for are relevant in the scene. They don't sell records or draw crowds (some of these bands probably don't even play more than 10 shows a year), and nobody beyond this forum really talks about them, etc. Music evolves and changes, and you have to deal with that. Wanting the same sort of bands to fill up a festival over and over again over a 12 year spectrum is not going to yield a successful festival. Enslaved may not appeal to everyone on this board, but they draw enough people that they could headline the festival and bring in a new crowd which would create new returnees. Diversity is the spice of life, as they say, and the most successful fesitvals these days are the ones that are diverse enough to bring in multiple people. Maryland Death Fest went from being much smaller than ProgPower to selling over 3,000 tickets within one year, because the promoters decided to seriously diversity their festival and bring in more relevant bands instead of the same old foreign grind bands that don't have much of a following here to begin with.

I know it doesn't happen much, but I agree 100% with every single word of your post here. Well said.
Honestly, I wouldn't want to see Enslaved at ProgPower. I'd rather see someone I can't see anywhere else in the states. And I really don't think adding Enslaved will fill any more seats. From my personal perspective, I wouldn't travel further and pay more for a band that would play in my area for cheap. Heck, they played in Louisville not too long ago for like 12 dollars.
He just made a vast generalization about the genre, considering some top names in the genre which ENSLAVED has toured with.

heh...I wasn't being all SEEERIOUS. Using the phrase "dumb black metal bands" was my faux-frustrated, tongue-in-cheek way of recognizing that I'm an annoying music snob who elevates artsy-fartsy bands above more straightforward ones. I actually like plenty of "dumb" bands, I just don't like to admit it! :grin:

In the context I was using, pretty much ALL metal bands are "dumb"; the only bands I would accept as worthy touring partners for Enslaved are those that score at least a 9 at Pitchfork.

Well, or Negura Bunget and Primordial. That would be ok too I guess.

I'm a huge fan of Enslaved and I think they would fit well with the fest. They put on an absolutely amazing show, I was blown away when I saw them live.

What about a band like Borknagar? They haven't been in the states since 99(?) and I think they are progressive-ish.
It is a shame, though, that there are plenty of people who would rather see a generic Helloween clone than a band truly spectacular as Enslaved. That much I'll say.

Even though I have yet to see them, I will restate what some have said in that I would rather have a band that's a bit exclusive than Enslaved who has been over here a number of times.
Funny how some of the audience of a "progrssive" music festival would place limits on what kind of progressive is acceptable...

The problem is that a lot of people who say they like progressive metal really mean that they like a bunch of Dream Theater clones. Unfortunate but true.
Honestly, I wouldn't want to see Enslaved at ProgPower. I'd rather see someone I can't see anywhere else in the states. And I really don't think adding Enslaved will fill any more seats. From my personal perspective, I wouldn't travel further and pay more for a band that would play in my area for cheap. Heck, they played in Louisville not too long ago for like 12 dollars.

Enslaved would alone sell more tickets almost any of these "other bands that don't really play the States. I assume you're talking about Power and Prog metal bands that still hasn't debuted in the US... European acts like, let's see... Cloudscape, Falconer, Freedom Call... Do you really think people would travel to go see bands like those? Travel far? Come on, that's absurd!

People don't need to "travel" to go see Enslaved. However, 100 people from the Atlanta area might decide to go see them at ProgPower because it *might be* their only appearance in Georgia. Good enough, 100 tickets sold. What if they decided to play a special set (i.e. ISA in its entirety)? Enslaved might bring in more people from the Atlanta area than any of those other bands alone would bring in from the entire USA.
Honestly, I wouldn't want to see Enslaved at ProgPower. I'd rather see someone I can't see anywhere else in the states. And I really don't think adding Enslaved will fill any more seats. From my personal perspective, I wouldn't travel further and pay more for a band that would play in my area for cheap. Heck, they played in Louisville not too long ago for like 12 dollars.

You get them to a do a special set (Below the Lights in its entirety!) and they'd bring in a good bit of people.
As far as my comment to Neil, I wasn't trying to get a rise out of him.
He just made a vast generalization about the genre, considering some top names in the genre which ENSLAVED has toured with.

Yeah I skipped over Neil's comment so I took yours out of context. Oops.
The problem is that a lot of people who say they like progressive metal really mean that they like a bunch of Dream Theater clones. Unfortunate but true.

I don't even consider alot of those bands to be prog in the first place because beyond the fact that they have a keyboardist and 1 guitarist and there's the occasional noodling, they're basically just AOR bands who like to noodle around a bit more than average. They probably never cared about Rush, Yes, King Crimson, etc and the fact they sound absolutely nothing like those bands in terms of influences makes me not consider them prog, but I am sure they love AOR bands like Journey and Boston (who can blame 'em? Awesome bands).