Ephel Duath interviews

I can't understand a freaking word of that interview ... but this post is rather more about the distrubing new avatar you have.

Even more so disturbing as I used to have the full size image last year and was emailing it around to people I hated :D ... no to mention that I was just eating a hamburger as I was reading your post.

Those Asians are real kinky :OMG:
back from a very cool day in Venice with Kerrang staff, it was really amazing! we took photos in some very special places, we did a long interview on a private Boat while visiting the town... I think that Kerrang liked a lot our decision to bring 'em to Venice instead in another grey industrial town in the middle of nowhere... hehehe...

I wanted to create a new topic, but maybe it's not so important, so I'm gonna say it. It is just something that I noticed on the cover of the new EPHEL DUATH album: The Passage. You know, there is a square and a vertical lign in the middle. Right? Did you know it is a chinese symbol? It means "center". It is also use in other characters, but my knownledge doesn't go so far. I only know that if you add the symbol of "country" beside, it's a new word that means: China. In their language, China is "country in the middle".

Anyway... it's probably boring. Just thought that you would like to know! And if you already know.... well, I'm sorry. :p
it seems that people is starting to discover all the "secret" subliminal messages inside the artwork... hehehe...keep on doing!

what about the music? anyone noticed something strange between the songs?
Well, here's a section from the upcoming UM one :p

One member of the band’s new line-up is drummer Davide Piovesan, a professional jazz percussion teacher who, while at first seeming slightly incongruous, fits perfectly into the unhinged music. After all of this serious discussion, I feel it’s time to ask the important questions, so ‘How many times have you been asked "is your drummer really forty-seven" already this week?’ I begin.
"Too many.. Really."
‘Doesn’t this annoy you?’
"No...It's really funny! I understand that this factor appear so curious and unusual for a extreme metal band."
‘I don’t think it’s curious, just cool! Very few people (in the metal world, at least) seem to realise just how talented many jazz drummers are.. For example Dennis Chambers - oh my fucking god, have you seen him do those bass rolls.. with one foot!! It’s truly amazing, that guy must have more limbs than he’s letting on..’
"Our drummer really loves Dennis Chambers! He considers him a great influence, moreover he appreciates Vinnie Colaiuta, Bill Stewart, Peter Erskine and Trilok Gurtu a lot as well. I could carry on, but the list would be very long..."
‘Does the question "is your drummer really forty-seven" get especially irritating considering he’s now forty-eight?’
"Come on! He's not so old!" Davide chuckles.

Davide Tiso, the Mastermind behind Ephel Duath will be interviewed live on Total Rock on Monday 23rd June.
He will be taking time out of recording a session for the station to talk to
Larissa (who's standing in for Matt Mason), about the new album, touring and anything else that's in/on his mind!
You might even be able to win tickets to the London show!
Check out Larissa's Metal Lunchbox show 12-3pm (UK time) on www.totalrock.com or if you're in the UK via SKY channel 885 or NTL channel
Aww I am listening now, it's so exciting! :hotjump:
They just played AC/DC "Big Balls" from the Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap album :tickled:
Here are the air dates & times for the Ephel Duath interview with Davide @ www.extremeradio.co.uk <http://www.extremeradio.co.uk>

Friday July 18th - during Nigel & Pete's show from 7pm to 10pm GMT ( 8pm to 11pm CET)
Saturday July 19th - during Nigel & Pete's show from 6pm to 9pm GMT ( 7pm to 10pm CET)
Sunday July 20th - during Nigel & Pete's show from 6pm to 9pm GMT ( 7pm to 10pm CET)
Please note we will air the interview during the first hour of the show in each of the above!

The interview will also be run at random times daily during the rotating playlist for the whole of the following week from the 20th to 25th July.
The interview will also be run at random times daily during the rotating playlist for the whole of the following week from the 20th to 25th July.

emi...just had a look on Extreme Radio site:

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]21st July 2003 : Thanks a F****** bunch BT [/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The wonderful people at British Telecom have actually accidentaly cut off our ADSL Broadband service whilst doing "routine maintenance" and now it has to be treated like we never had broadband connected at all & they have to do what they call "cease and reprovide" and that will take at least a week, maybe more ! [/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The trouble is that we won't even benefit by telling them to f*** off as they still would have to provide the line for whichever ISP provider we chose to use and it is the line that is the problem....W**K**S !!! They haven't got a clue what has happened and rather than look for the cause of the error they have just ordered a new line.[/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Bottom line is that there will definetley be no more shows until Monday 28th July at the very earliest.[/font]​
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Sorry folks but there is nothing more we can do about it other than wait and I am just so damn pissed off right now, sincere apologies to the near 70,000 weekly listeners, all the scheduled interviews will be given top priority on our return so special apologies go out to the FINGER ELEVEN & EPHEL DUATH fans who tried to tune in this past weekend and were disapointed not to hear the scheduled interviews.[/font]​