EPHEL DUATH video online!

Get ready for greatness guys (Emi, Lee and ED)!!!

If this band does not break you guys into the bigtime ... I do not know what will.

Simply astonishing video ... an amazing complement to the song. (although I could have done without the in the camera rap style hand gestures of the singer)

Again ... get ready for greatness !!!!
You know what annoys me about this video? :mad: The drummer, he makes it all look so fucking easy :cry:

I can tell I'm going to spend the entire concert in June entranced, wishing I could play like that ;)

Great video (apart from the annoyingly talented drummer :p ) :)
Groooovy, I love it. Congratulations on an excellent clip. I like the way the camera shoots around them, even shots behind Davide. I sort of hoped to see that trumpet section played though. hehe *drools*

As lurch70 said, get ready for greatness!
Are there any subliminal messages in the video? :)... as I am drawn back to it ... must have seen it at least 4 times since last night.

It does a great job "explaining the band" to the audience.

BTW ... what does EPHEL DUATH mean?
Ephel Duath used to be the name of a hidden entrance - mountain pass to Mordor high in the mountains around that Black Realm... As far as I remember it was guarded by a monster called Shelob... well, she just lived in there. Was quite stinky hole accordingto Tolkien. But maybe I am wrong.
It's great that you are loving the Video, we shoot it with a minimal budget, but we are satisfied of the final result :)

and OF COURSE there are subliminal messages, but we can't reveal 'em... :loco: