EPHEL DUATH vocalist quits


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Davide Tolomei, the melodic singer in Ephel Duath, has announced his decision to quit the band.

He felt that persuing a career in music wasn't what he really wanted, and he wasn't able to commit himself to the band's forthcoming touring and recording schedule.

Ephel Duath is now actively seeking a replacement. Applicants should either live in Italy or would seriously consider relocating there.

A musical skill of some kind would be of an advantage (trumpet, sax, keyboards, violin), though not entirely necessary.

Please send demos or MP3 links (not MP3 files) along with a biography directly to the band's management at:

Code 7
40026 IMOLA


Personally I think Ephel Duath are pretty talented and I enjoy listening to them. I hope they find a new vocalist soon.

As to col and *Nile*Fan*, you can just bugger off because this is not the place. If you do not like Ephel Duath then go to another bored and another thread.
*Nile*Fan* said:
Good! Ephel Duarth are rubbish!

there are posts that some threads would rather be without......and that was one of them....where a little silly kid (probably) posts things just to up his post count and show everyone else s/he is an idiot
Trivia: Viggo Mortensen has recently starred in three movies based on the work of J.R.R. Tolkien called 'Lord of the Rings' in which the mountain Ephel Dauth features somewhere.
Oh come on man, anyone who decided not to be a poser and read the books knows this. Here is a harder one, how many bands use a Tolkien noun for their title?
Abou said:
Oh come on man, anyone who decided not to be a poser and read the books knows this. Here is a harder one, how many bands use a Tolkien noun for their title?

well...I was very pretty much bored...and my humour sucks.