Ephel Duath will Headline second Stage at "Thunder Metal Festival"


May 10, 2002
imola - italy
yeash! it's now confirmed that EPHEL DUATH will be the Headliners of the second Stage at the "THUNDER METAL FESTIVAL", scheduled for Sunday 1st June 2003 at "THUNDER ROAD" in Pavia - Italy. :rock:

other acts in the bill: ENTOMBED, NOVEMBRE, SUFFOCATION (more will follow).

Ephel Duath and Suffocation on the one bill! If only we got those kind of shows in Australia...

Although ASTRIAAL Support the mighty OPETH in Australia on April 10th, who have been a long time coming to our metal starved shores!
yes... i was wondering about who signed Suffocation for the next album? I've offered them a deal a thousand times with no reply
... maybe Relapse?
Relapse re-issued DEPISE THE SUN that was originally out on the bands Managers label VULTURE. I assume the only reason Relapse would do that, is cause they have the new album already.

SUFFO are gods, perhaps the greatest brutal death metal ever in my opinion. Although how they will go with out riff master Doug Cerrito remains to be seen!