Epic Death Metal

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Vital Remains-Dechristianize(song) Some very awsome guitar harmonies starting at around 2,3 minutes.
Opeth is not epic death metal and does not have any epic death metal songs.
Ageless said:
Yeah, define what you mean by Epic Death Metal and I'll hopefully list something that you're after.
Epic songs are generally long and with plenty of different parts that form the structure of the songs. They can also have a somewhat majestic feel to them.

Aeternus-And So the Night Became, not pure death metal but still very epic with a black metal feel
I don't know how the hell I forgot one of my favorite bands o_O I would also add:

Aeternus - Beyond The Wandering Moon
nile- in their darkened shrines
deeds of flesh- reduced to ashes
immolation- unholy cult
krisiun- works of carnage
extol- undecieved

those albums seem to have long songs and that really big feeling to em. in my humble opinion of course
I agree with the other guys who said Nile. I just got "In Their Darkened Shrines" and it's fucking brilliant.
I have to disagree with the guys that said Opeth aren't epic death metal - I'd say Black Rose Immortal is pretty fucking epic. But GoD already has all the Opeth stuff - he's a fucking Opeth fanboy, just like me. :D
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