Epic "metal" with female lyrics - opinions needed

Anger Fuse

New Metal Member
Jan 1, 2009
Hi there. After being away from music for many years (kids, marriage, work - usual excuses for not having a life - you've only yourself to blame), we've decided to start playing a little again - just for fun. So we have recorded this in our rehearsalroom, and I've been mixing it.

As I've been away for so long, I really need some real opinions. Friends always say "that's nice", but, you know ...

As for the recording, the drums are played on a V-Drums, using MetalHeadz, Drumkitt from hell and Metal Machine (I've mixed three drumkits). GUitars are a ENGL Fireball and a EVH 5150 (Fender?). Bass is line.

We are aiming for a big, epic sound. We don't need the guitars being seperated so that you can hear there are two guitarists. I'm thinking it's a bit too crowded in there - maybe the drums aren't "up there"? Anyway, your opinions are valued.

Beware: the vocals are in danish.
