Equalizing a ripped music DVD


Jan 3, 2007
Far Beyond the Sun
Hi, I have a ripped music DVD on my computer. It's all in *.VOB.
First problem: When I open the .vob in virtualdub-mpeg it prompts me choose either Dolby-AC-3 Audio (substream 0x80) or Dolby-AC-3 Audio (substream 0x81) as an audio stream. The sound of the exported .wav sound better when I take 0x81 but I don't have a clue what it means.

So I take 0x81 export it as .wav and open it with audacity to cut it into one piece per song and extract it as mp3.

The sound of the exported mp3 is even worse the the wav's sound. It's flat and undynamic and at a lower volume than when I play the DVD.

So guess, I have to EQ it. How should I setup the EQ? or are there other ways to get a mp3 with the DVD sound?
no idea you're talking about man. you want to extract the sound from the DVD, and then slice into separated tracks?
well, mp3 IS worse than wave. but i assume you want mp3 because is smaller. i never used Audacity, so i'm not sure if has a EQ, but pretty much any DAW has an standard EQ. As far the EQ setting goes, each case is different, so you'll have just to play around with the EQ