

Dec 15, 2009
Just wanted to point this band out in case there are any death/black metal fans that aren't familiar with them. I'd refrain from the use of the term 'folk' but they have an epic feel/sound to their music especially with that use of the ambient keyboard sounds and even in some of the vocal melodies from time to time.

You can use folk, because that's where some of those melodies come from. Amazing band. I'd even say that there's a new age influence in there somewhere, which is okay by me! Amazing band.
God the music is great!

God the lead singer sucks!

This is the best example that screamers and growlers should just go out on tour with rappers. They, like rappers, ruin whatever music is played in the background simply by opening their mouths.
...screamers and growlers should just go out on tour with rappers. They, like rappers, ruin whatever music is played in the background simply by opening their mouths.

So you're saying that Morbid Angel and Suffocation would be better off with a guy singing melodies? I think not. I also think the vocals fit nicely with this kind of music. It allows the guitar/keyboard melodies to have the forefront.
cool band, but really what do the vocals matter? they are screaming in german anyway and like we can understand it?! forgive if anyone posting here can speak german and understand their lyrics.
I have a friend who said that Mana is the theme song to his life. :)

Haha, ditto! I love how anytime Equilibrium is discussed up on this forum, "Mana" is brought up after only like three posts. :kickass:

I don't know how anyone could say that Helge Stang sucks as a vocalists, his high pitched vocal intro to Wingthors Hammer gives me goosebumps everytime i hear it! There is no other voice in the entire roster of heavy metal that would fit that band better than his does!

Equilibrium freaking slays, and they deserve a very long and successful career! :notworthy
Haha, ditto! I love how anytime Equilibrium is discussed up on this forum, "Mana" is brought up after only like three posts. :kickass:

With good reason. It's easily one of the longest, most epic metal instrumentals ever.

It's also a great song to "put CDs away to" at the end of one of my stints deejaying on WREKage....if I can't get my CDs put away in 16 minutes, something is wrong. :) I played it at the end of this past week's broadcast, in fact. :rock:

Equilibrium freaking slays, and they deserve a very long and successful career! :notworthy

Absolutely. They are one band that, AFAIK, has never toured the States (have they?), and I'd love to see them. :kickass:
I think that Mikael Stanne is the better "mid-high pitched" harsh vocalist, but I do think that Helge does a good job in Eq. I have no qualms with the voice.
You can use folk, because that's where some of those melodies come from.

The only reason I say I refrain from using the term folk, is due to some posts I've seen while lurking around here and how there are crowds that really like to jump on that folk-hating band wagon; I didn't want this to be interpreted as the new guy trying to push some holy grail of folk metal. :lol:

Regardless I just listened to these guys a couple days back for the first time ever and thought it was definitely worthy of notice on a forum like this. Great music, and I really don't think the vocals are as terrible as some make them out to be. I don't know if its the right term to use but I think his voice adds a good bit of positive dynamic to the overall picture this band provides its audience. Even if you don't like the vocals, if you can get past that initial :ill: then I think you'll find that this band has so much to offer within its respective category (whether it be black metal, death metal, or what have you.) I just know its good and don't really care what it's labeled. :)