Eric Adams to record lead vocals on next Rhapsody release!

I think my "favorite" metal-related April Fool's "joke" was on Mike Portnoy's forum, when his new -- and massive -- drum-kit with two drum-stools was unveiled on April 1st. (This was many years ago.)

The problem was, it WASN'T a joke. Quite a few friendships were strained over that fiasco. o_O
On a serious note about Rhapsody, aren't they trying to get off of Magic Circle?

I would think so.
None of us know of course the true story of what is going on between Rhapsody and Magic Circle.

Either way, as a fellow musician, one would think and hope that Joey D would just cancel whatever contract they have with them and let them go about their business.
I would think so.
None of us know of course the true story of what is going on between Rhapsody and Magic Circle.

Either way, as a fellow musician, one would think and hope that Joey D would just cancel whatever contract they have with them and let them go about their business.
I sure hope he does.